What is Natural marigold lutein, lutein zeaxanthin ?
Marigold is an annual herb. Origin in Mexico, currently in China's Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Yunnan and other places have large-scale cultivation. We produce all raw materials used in marigold planting base from Yunnan. Endemic soil and light conditions, making Marigold with fast growth, long flowering period, high yield and good quality, ensure a steady supply of raw materials, production of high yield, low production costs.
Lutein also known as plant progesterone,is a natural pigment widely present in the banana ,kiwi,corn and marigold. Lutein is a kind of carotenoid . Lutein have very complex structures,currently can not be synthesized by manual . Lutein can be only extract from plants. Lutein after extract has very important application in the field of food and health. Because the human body can not produce lutein.So we can only In food intake or additional supplementary,so more and more attention has been paid. Lutein can protect eyesight,it is a good food colorant,can regulate blood lipids,has the role of blockage of the arteries,and can fight cancer.
Forms of ZolanBio Marigold Extract:
Lutein/Lutein ester powder(5%-90%)
Lutein/Lutein ester /Zeaxanthin microcapsule (CWS) (5%-20%)
Lutein/Lutein ester /Zeaxanthin beadlets(CWD) (5%-20%)
Lutein/Lutein ester /Zeaxanthin oil suspension(10%,20%,30%)