This bands fits in Matrix Retainer No.1 and it is made of Stainless Steel.
Supplier: Dental ivory tofflemire matrix band
This is a Tofflemire Matrix Retainer made of Stainless Steel & Brass.
This bands are used in retainers and are made of Stainless Steel.
Supplier: Dental instruments, various types of tofflemire matrix retainers, mickro instruments, mouth mirrors, measuring instruments
Supplier: Dental instruments, surgical instruments, extracting forceps, root elevators, filling instruments, dental probes, periodontal instruments, modelling instruments, measuring instruments, wax knives, plaster knives, diagnostic instruments, endodontic instruments, excavators, handles for mouth mirrors, mouth mirrors, cement spatulas, needle holders, stainless steel saliva ejectors, aspirating syringe, dental syringes, dental tweezers, rubber dam clamps, matrix retainers, matrix bands