Acetamiprid 70% WG
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action HOW TO USE
Apply when insect pests out of control
Used in a wide range of crops, esecially vegetables, fruit and tea.
21-26.25 g/ha
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action.
Always read and follow label directions.
50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, 1kg aluminium bag. Or according to requirement.
PRODUCT NAME: Acetamiprid GAS NO: 160430-64-8 SPECIFICATION: 20% SP 20% WP 8% EC 20% SL 80% WP 3% EC STANDARD PACKAGE: 25kg drum or customized package Acetamiprid 70% WG Technical Specification ITEM STANDARD Appearance Columnar granules Acetamiprid, % 70.0 Water, % 2.0 pH 5.0~7.0 USE:Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Control of Hemiptera, especially aphids, Thysanoptera and Lepidoptera, by soil and foliar application, on a wide range of crops, especially vegetables, fruit and tea. Similar specifications: None
Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage and roots, with rapid translocation in xylem and phloem to the meristematic tissues. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor. Selective post-emergence control in maize of annual grass weeds including Setaria, Echinochloa, Digitaria, Panicum, Lolium, and Avena spp., broad-leaved weeds including Amaranthus spp. and Cruciferae, and perennials such as Sorghum halepense and Agropyron repens. Applied at 35-70 g/ha. 25kg/paper drum Meas: 0.39*0.55 G.W.: 2.7kgs.
Acephate 75% SP Acetamiprid 20% SP Buprofezin 25% SC Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP Chlorpyrifos 50% E.C. Chlorpyriphos 20%E.C Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC Cypermethrin 10% E.C. Cypermethrin 25% E.C. Diafenthiuron 50% WP Emamectin Benzoate 1.5% + Fipronil 3.5% SC for indigenous Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Ethion 50% EC Fipronil 0.3% G.R. Fipronil 5% SC Fipronil 80% WG Imidacloprid 17.8% SL Imidacloprid 30.5% SC Imidacloprid 70% WG Indoxacarb 14.5% SC Indoxacarb 15.8% EC Lambdacyhalothrin 10% WP Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% Capsule Suspension Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC. Neem extract concentrate containing Azadirachtin-5% w/w min. Neem Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin 0.3% w/w min.(3000 PPM) Neem Oil Based EC containing Azadirachtin 0.03% ( 300 PPM) Min. Neem Seed Kernel Based EC containing AZADIRACHTIN 0.15% EC (1500 ppm) min Neem Seed Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin- 1% (10000 ppm) min. Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%E.C. Profenophos 50% EC Quinalphos 25% EC Thiamethoxam 25% WG Thiamethoxam 30% FS Thiamethoxam 70 % W.S THIAMETHOXAM 75% w/w SG Alphacypermethrin 10% EC Bifenthrin 10% EC w/w Deltamethrin 11% w/w EC Deltamethrin 2.8% EC Difenoconazole 25% EC Difenoconazole 3% WS Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG Permethrin - 25% EC Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% w/w EC for indigenous manufacture Pyriproxyfen 10% EC Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC for indigenous manufacture Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L Triacontanol GR 0.05% Min.
Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC Azoxystrobin 23% SC for indigenous manufacture Captan 50% W.P. Captan 70%+ Hexaconazole 5% WP Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP Carbendazim 50% WP Copper Oxychloride containing copper contents 50.00% w/w WP Hexaconazole 5% EC Hexaconazole 5% SC Hexaconazole 75% WG Metalaxyl 35% W.S. Propiconazole 25% E.C Sulphur 80% W.P Sulphur 80% WDG Sulphur 85% D.P. Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP Tricyclazole 70% WG Tricyclazole 75% W.P. Validamycin 3% L Mancozeb 75 % WP Mancozeb 75% WG Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG Tebuconazole 25.9% E.C.
2,4-D amine salt 58% S.L. 2,4-D Ethyl Ester 38% E.C. (Having 2,4-D, Acid 34% w/w) Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG Atrazine 50% W.P. Bispyribac sodium 10% w/v SC Butachlor 50% EC Clodinafop - Propargyl 15% WP Clodinafop Propagyl 9% + Metribuzin 20% WP Glyphosate 41% S.L. Imazethapyr 10 % SL Metribuzin 70% W.P. Metsulfuron methyl 20% WP Oxyflourfen 23.5% E.C (w/w) Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL Pendimethalin 30 % EC Pendimethalin 38.7% CS Pretilachlor 50% E.C. Sulfosulfuron 75% WG
Supplier: Insecticide, azadirachtin 0.32%ec, matrine 1.0%sl, abamectin 0.9%ec, 1.8%ec, bifenthrin 95%tc, 2.5%ec, 10%ec, chlorpyrifos 95%tc, 48%ec, imidacloprid 90%tc, 10%wp, 70%wp, 5%ec, acetamiprid 95%tc, 70%wp, 20%wp, 5%ec, , fungicide, propiconazole 92%tc, 25%ec, herbicide, haloxyfop-r-methyl 90%tc, 10.8%ec, glyphosate 41%sl, 62%sl, atrazine 96%tc, 38%sc, 50%sc, 90%wg, rodenticide, bromadiolone 95%tc, 0.5%tkl, 0.005%rb, brodifacoum 95%tc, 2.5%tkl, 0.5%tkl, 0.005%rb, public health pesticide
Supplier: Insecticides: acetamiprid 95-98tc 3ec 20sp 20sl 70wp imidacloprid 95tc 10wp 20sl 70wdg 70ws 70wp fenoxycarb 94-97tc 25wp 25wdg 5dp omethoate 70-80tc 40ec 50sl methomyl 96-98tc 90sp carbaryl 99tc 85wp carbofuran 97-98tc 3g 10g pyridaben 93-95tc bpmc 98tc 50ec cypermethrin 94-95tc 10ec beta-cypermethrin 97% tech chlorpyrifos 94-98tc 40ec etofenprox 95 tc 20ec lambda-cyhalothrin 95- 98% tech., 5ec, 2.5ec permethrin 95tech beta-cyfluthrin 95% tech. Cyfluthrin 95% tech herbicides: glyphosate 95tc 41sl 62sl paraquat 42tc 20liquid acetochlor 92tc, 90ec tribenuron-methyl 75wdg metsulfuron-methyl 60wdg thifensulfuron 95tc 75wp, 25wp fungicides: carbendazim 98tc 50wp 60wp tebuconazole 80wp 6fs metalaxyl-m+ mancozeb 68wp chlorothalonil 97-98tc 75wp mancozeb 80wp
Common name: acetamiprid Chemical name: n-[(6-chloro-3-pyridy)methyl]-n2-cyanogen-n'-methyl acetamidine Molecular formula: c10h11cln4 Molecular weight: 222.68 Cas: 135410-20-7 Specification: technicalú¦contentí²97%ú¼ moistureín0.5%, ph vaule 6¬í¬8 Formulation:20%sp, 20%sl, 70%wp, 70%sp Physical and chemical property: pure product is white crystal, melting point is 101.0-103.3íµ Toxicity: acute oral (technical ld50 mg/kg): rat(male)217, rat(female)146, mouse(male):198, (female):184; on fish: carp tlm(48h)>100ppm, tlm(3h)>100ppm. Uses: it is a broad-spectrum, high-effective, safe insecticide with good contact and stomach poisoning to pests, activity with good intassusception. It can be used to control many kinds of pests, such as vegetable-moth, thistle, aphid on vegetables; thistle, peach fruit moth, powdery scale on fruit tree and tealeaf hopper, leek leaf miner. Packing: technical :25kg/fiber drum, formulation packing according to requirement. Storage and transportation:avoid moisture and sunshine when stroe and transportation.Do not store it with food, seed and feed.Avoid contacting with skin and eyes, etc. Technical :25kg/fiber drum, formulation packing according to requirement.
Supplier: Biological insecticides:
trichoderma viride 1% wp (fungicide)
trichoderma harzianum 1% wp (fungicide)
pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% wp (fungicide)
verticillium chlamydosporium 1% wp (nematicide)
organic insecticides:
azadirachtin 0.15% ec "or" 1,500 ppm (pesticide)
azadirachtin 0.30% ec "or" 3,000 ppm (pesticide)
azadirachtin 1.00% ec "or" 10,000 ppm (pesticide)
azadirachtin 5.00% ec "or" 50,000 ppm (pesticide)
chemical insecticides:
emamectin benzoate 5% sg (pesticide)
thiamethoxam 25% wg (pesticide)
thiamethoxam 75% sg (pesticide)
sulphur 80% wg (fungicide)
fipronil 80% wg (pesticide)
imidacloprid 70% wg (pesticide)
Buyer: Ammonium sulphate, chemicals for manufacturing