Red Tampala is a type of Bajakah that has solid red color of the thick tea stew, it also possesses similar yet thicker taste compared to ordinary tea. Most local tea connoisseur really like this type of Bajakah due to its thick taste on the tounge and health benefits.
Thin Bark Tampala is a type of Bajakah that has very similar but lighter taste, scent and colour compared to Super Tampala. This type of Bajakah is believed to have faster reaction to human body.
Super Tampala is a type of Bajakah tea that has the clearest color among the others. The water extract from this Bajakah also possesses plain flavour which makes it very easy to be consumed. Some people who are new to this type of this Bajakah might find it strange due to the insignificant difference from this Bajakah boiled water with regular mineral water, But you need not to worry because the benefits from this Bajakah is also very good for human body health.
Yellow Tampala is a type of Bajakah that possesses very significant difference in terms of colour and taste among the others. It has the most bitter taste and prominent yellow colour which makes it stands out from the rest. Most younger people donot fancy its taste while the elderly took a big liking to this Bajakah, because they believe the bitter taste reflects strong efficacious properties.