Flotation tire is perhaps most commonly known in the farm and agricultural industries, where the ability to float over loose dirt is a must. In addition to keeping farm vehicles above ground, flotation tires minimize soil disturbance in agricultural environments, as compared to other types of tires that would dig in and damage the soil.
1. The high flotation farm tires, with large ground contact area, the low-pressure ratio on the ground.
2.Tractional lugs give good self-cleaning action and excellent traction and less damage to soil and sapling.
3.With good resistance to penetration and punctures and excellent pass through on the sand surface.
Landmax flotation tire proven design put your machines on tires with longer, wider footprints. Weight is distributed across the expanded footprint, keeping compaction to a minimum. These flotation tires excel, especially when used on spray and fertilizing equipment.
6.50-16,6 ,F2 6.50-16,8 ,R1 6.50-16,8 ,R1 600/50-22.5,16,Trc-03 600/55-22.5,16,Trc-03 6-14,4 ,G-1 650/50-22.5,16,Trc-03 7.50-16,8 ,F2 7.50-16,8 ,F2 7.50-16,8 ,R1 7.50-18,8 ,F2 7.50-18,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,R1 7.5l15,8 ,F2 7.5l-15,8 ,F2 700/40-22.5,16,Trc-03 700/50-22.5,16,Trc-03 710/40-22.5,16,Trc-03 7-14,4 ,G-1 7-16,6 ,G-1 8.25-16,8 ,Zr07 8.25-16,8 ,Zr07 8.3-20,8 ,R1 8.3-24,8 ,R1 8-16,4 ,G-1 9.5-20,8 ,R1 9.5-24,8 ,R1 9.5l-15,8 ,F2 9.5l-15,8 ,F2 9.5l-15,8 ,I-1 9.5l-15,8 ,I-1 9.5l-15,12 ,I-1 9.5l-15,12 ,I-1 At18*9-8,4 ,Tr At27*7.5-12,6 ,Tr At30*10-12,6 ,Tr At30*10-14,6 ,Tr At30*8-14,6 ,Tr Atv 30*8-12,6 ,Tr Atv27*7.5-14,6 ,Tr10-16.5 8 Skidsteer 10-16.5 10 Skidsteer 10-16.5 12 Skidsteer (No Direction) 10-16.5(L) 10 Skidsteer 11.00-16 8 F2 11.00-16 8 F2 11.00-16 8 F2M 11.2-24 8 R1 11.2-24 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-24 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-24 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-24 Assembled with Steel Wheel 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-28 8 R1 11.2-38 6 R1 11.2-38 8 R1,Irrigation 11.2-38 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-38 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-38 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-38 Assembled with Steel Wheel 6 R1,Irrigation 11.2-38 Assembled with Steel Wheel 8 R1,Irrigation 11.5/80-15.3 10 IMP-01 11.5/80-15.3 12 IMP-01 11.5/80-15.3 14 IMP-01 11.5/80-15.3 16 IMP-01 11.5/80-15.3 18 IMP-01 11.5/80-15.3 10 ZR03 11.5/80-15.3 14 ZR03 11.5/80-15.3 10 ZR100 11.5/80-15.3 14 ZR100 11L-15 8 F2 11L-15 8 F2 11L-15 12 F2 11L-15 12 F2 11L-15 8 I-1 11L-15 8 I-1 11L-15 12 I-1 11L-15 12 I-1 11L-15 10 I-1 (for USA with DOT) 11L-15 12 I-1 (for USA with DOT) 11L-15 12 I-1 (for USA with DOT) 11L-15 14 I-1 (for USA with DOT) 11L-16 12 F3 12.4-24 8 R1 12.4-28 8 R1 12.5/80-15.3 12 IMP-01 12.5/80-15.3 14 IMP-01 12.5/80-15.3 16 IMP-01 12.5/80-15.3 18 IMP-01 12.5/80-18 14 I3/R4/TRC05 12.5/80-18 14 IMP-03 12.5L-15 8 DOT 12.5L-15 12 DOT 12.5L-15 14 DOT 12.5L-15 8 I-1 12.5L-15 10 I-1 12.5L-15 10 I-1 12.5L-15 12 I-1 12.5L-15 12 I-1 12.5L-15 14 I-1 12.5L-15 14 I-1 12-16.5 10 Skidsteer 12-16.5 12 Skidsteer 12-16.5 14 Skidsteer (No Direction) 12-16.5(L) 12 Skidsteer 13.0/65-18 16 IMP-01,04 13.0/65-18 16 IMP-01,04 13.00-24 12 G-2/L-2 13.00-24 16 G-2/L-2 13.6-24 8 R1 13.6-28 8 R1 13.6-38 10 R1 14.00-24 28 E3 14.00-24 12 G-2/L-2 14.00-24 16 G-2/L-2 14.9-24 8 R1 14.9-24 6 R1,Irrigation 14.9-24 6 R1,Irrigation 14.9-24 6 R1,Irrigation 14.9-24 10 R2 14.9-24 Assembled with Steel Wheel 6 R1,Irrigation 14.9-24 Assembled with Steel Wheel 6 R1,Irrigation 14.9-28 8 R1 14.9-28 10 R2 14-17.5 14 Skidsteer 14L-16.1 10 F2M 14L-16.1 10 I-1 15.0/55-17 14 IMP05 15.0/55-17 16 IMP05 15.0/55-17 18 IMP05 15.0/70-18 16 IMP05 15.5-38 10 R1 15-19.5 14 Skidsteer 16.00-24 28 E3 16.00-25 32 E3 16.5L-16.1 10 I-1 16.9-28 8 R1 16.9-30 8 R1 16.9-34 10 R1 16.9-38 10 R1 17.5-25 16 E-3/L-3 18.0-25 36 E-3 18.4-30 10 R1 18.4-30 10 R2 18.4-34 10 R1 18.4-34 10 R2 18.4-38 10 R1 18.4-38 10 R2 19.0/45-17 14 IMP-05 19.5L-16.1 10 I-1 19.5L-24(L) 12 R4 20.5-25 20 E-3/L-3 20.5-25 16 E-3/L-3 20.8-38 12 R1 21L-16.1 12 I-1 23.1-26 12 R1 23.1-26 12 R3 23.1-26 12 R3 23.5-25 16 E-3/L-3 23.5-25 20 E-3/L-3 250/80-18 8 ZR07 26.5-25 28 E-3/L-3 280/70-16 8 ZR07 280/70-18 8 ZR07 31*15.5-15 10 TR 4.00-12 4 F2 4.00-12 4 F2 4.00-19 4 F2 4.00-19 4 F2 4.0-10 4 TR01 400/60-15.5 14 IMP-01 400/60-15.5 16 IMP-01 400/60-15.5 14 IMP-04 400/60-15.5 16 IMP-04 400/60-15.5 14 TRC02 400/60-15.5 16 TRC02 5.00-12 6 ZR03 5.00-15 6 F2 5.00-15 6 F2 5.00-15 4 TR02 5.0-10 4 TR01 5.50-16 6 F2 5.50-16 6 F2 500/50-17 14 IMP-05 500/50-17 18 IMP-05 500/50-17 14 TRC02 500/50-17 18 TRC02 500/60-22.5 16 TRC-03 500/60-22.5 18 TRC-03 550/45-22.5 16 TRC03 550/60-22.5 16 TRC-03 6.00-16 6 F2 6.00-16 6 F2 6.00-16 8 R1 6.00--16 8 R1 6.5/80-12 6 TR02 6.5/80-15 6 TR02 6.50-16 6 F2 6.50-16 6 F2 6.50-16 8 R1 6.50-16 8 R1 600/50-22.5 16 TRC-03 600/55-22.5 16 TRC-03 6-14 4 G-1 650/50-22.5 16 TRC-03 7.50-16 8 F2 7.50-16 8 F2 7.50-16 8 R1 7.50-18 8 F2 7.50-18 8 F2 7.50-20 8 F2 7.50-20 8 F2 7.50-20 8 R1 7.5L15 8 F2 7.5L-15 8 F2 700/40-22.5 16 TRC-03 700/50-22.5 16 TRC-03 710/40-22.5 16 TRC-03 7-14 4 G-1 7-16 6 G-1 8.25-16 8 ZR07 8.25-16 8 ZR07 8.3-20 8 R1 8.3-24 8 R1 8-16 4 G-1 9.5-20 8 R1 9.5-24 8 R1 9.5L-15 8 F2 9.5L-15 8 F2 9.5L-15 8 I-1 9.5L-15 8 I-1 9.5L-15 12 I-1 9.5L-15 12 I-1 AT18*9-8 4 TR AT27*7.5-12 6 TR AT30*10-12 6 TR AT30*10-14 6 TR AT30*8-14 6 TR ATV 30*8-12 6 TR ATV27*7.5-14 6 TR Standard Packing
7.50-16,8 ,F2 7.50-16,8 ,F2 7.50-16,8 ,R1 7.50-18,8 ,F2 7.50-18,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,F2 7.50-20,8 ,R1 7.5l15,8 ,F2 7.5l-15,8 ,F2 700/40-22.5,16,Trc-03 700/50-22.5,16,Trc-03 710/40-22.5,16,Trc-03 7-14,4 ,G-1 7-16,6 ,G-1 8.25-16,8 ,Zr07 8.25-16,8 ,Zr07 8.3-20,8 ,R1 8.3-24,8 ,R1 8-16,4 ,G-1 9.5-20,8 ,R1 9.5-24,8 ,R1 9.5l-15,8 ,F2 9.5l-15,8 ,F2 9.5l-15,8 ,I-1 9.5l-15,8 ,I-1 9.5l-15,12 ,I-1 9.5l-15,12 ,I-1 At18*9-8,4 ,Tr At27*7.5-12,6 ,Tr At30*10-12,6 ,Tr At30*10-14,6 ,Tr At30*8-14,6 ,Tr Atv 30*8-12,6 ,Tr Atv27*7.5-14,6 ,Tr standard packing
6.50-16, 6 , f2 6.50-16, 8 , r1 6.50-16, 8 , r1 600/50-22.5, 16, trc-03 600/55-22.5, 16, trc-03 6-14, 4 , g-1 650/50-22.5, 16, trc-03 7.50-16, 8 , f2 7.50-16, 8 , f2 7.50-16, 8 , r1 7.50-18, 8 , f2 7.50-18, 8 , f2 7.50-20, 8 , f2 7.50-20, 8 , f2 7.50-20, 8 , r1 7.5l15, 8 , f2 7.5l-15, 8 , f2 700/40-22.5, 16, trc-03 700/50-22.5, 16, trc-03 710/40-22.5, 16, trc-03 7-14, 4 , g-1 7-16, 6 , g-1 8.25-16, 8 , zr07 8.25-16, 8 , zr07 8.3-20, 8 , r1 8.3-24, 8 , r1 8-16, 4 , g-1 9.5-20, 8 , r1 9.5-24, 8 , r1 9.5l-15, 8 , f2 9.5l-15, 8 , f2 9.5l-15, 8 , i-1 9.5l-15, 8 , i-1 9.5l-15, 12 , i-1 9.5l-15, 12 , i-1 At18*9-8, 4 , tr At27*7.5-12, 6 , tr At30*10-12, 6 , tr At30*10-14, 6 , tr At30*8-14, 6 , tr Atv 30*8-12, 6 , tr Atv27*7.5-14, 6 , tr Standard packing
Supplier: Agricultural tires, OTR tires, truck trailer & bus tires, forklift industrial tires, light commercial vehicles, skid steer and dumper tires, jeep & van tires, industrial rib tires, flotation implement tires, golf & go cart tires, 2 & 3 wheeler tires
Supplier: Tyre, Tire, OTR (Off The Road) E3/L3, E4, G2/L2, Industrial Tire, Agricultural Tire, Tractor Tire, Forklift Tyre, Earthmover Tyre, Grader Tyre, Skid Steer Tyre L5 Tyre, F2, TF Tyre, Implement Tyre and Flotation Tire.
Specification/Additional Details Section Width- 36 mm Size - 3.50-10 Usage/Application- motorcycle Material- Rubber Brand- Addo India Overall Diameter- 195 mm
Specification/Additional Details Section Width- 131 mm Material- Rubber Brand- Addo India Overall Diameter- 541 mm Ply Rating- 6 Ply Size/Dimensions- 4.50-10
Features: Unique tread compound Special design with scoops at shoulder Extra strong casing Excellent mileage Better road grip More clrculatlon of air and faster heat dissipation Better safety and more retreads Specification/Additional Details Section Width- 110 mm Material- Rubber Brand- Addo India Overall Diameter- 420 mm Ply Rating- 6 Ply Size/Dimensions- 4.00-8
Features: Customized tread compound for cooler running & wear resistance. Special design to meet all regular Material Handling applications. Special tread profile for improved traction & stability. Premium tread compound for cooler running & wear resistance. Unique sipes in shoulder area for enhanced heat dissipation. Heavy duty design for tough applications. Reinforced nylon casing for higher load rating. Wider tread profile for improved traction & stability. Rim-Guard protector for rim flange area. Reinforced sidewall for reduced deflection & improved protection. Size- 23 X 5 Usage/Application- Forklift Tyre Type- Pneumatic Brand- Addo India Material- Rubber Country of Origin- Made in India Ply Rating- 6,10