Botanical Name - Plectranthus Amboinicus
Category - Spices/Medicinal
Form - Fresh/Dry
Part Used - Leaves
General Information - Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng belongs to family Lamiaceae, known as country borage in English. It is large succulent aromatic perennial herb, shrubby below, hispidly villous or tomentose. It is found throughout India, Ceylon and Moluccas. The leaves of the plant are bitter, acrid and were being widely used traditionally for various purposes. The plant has been worked out very well and isolated several chemical constituents and had shown various biological properties.
Phytochemicals - CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS includes Butylaniside, -caryophyllene, carvacrol, 1-8-cineole, p-cymene, ethylsalicylate, eugenol, limonene, myrcene, and -pinenes, -selenene, -terpinene, terpinen-4-ol, thymol, verbenone (essential oil), apigenin, chrysoeriol, 5,4-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxy-flavone (cirsimaritin), eriodictyol, 6-methoxy-genkawanin, luteolin, quercetin, salvigenin, taxifolin, oxaloacetic acid, crategolic, euscaphic, 2 -3 -dihydro-olean-12-en-28-oic, pomolic, oleanolic, tormentic, 2 ,3 ,19 ,23-tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic, ursolic acids, -sitosterol- -D-glucoside isolated from the leaves.
Supplier: Certified organic as well as natural dried leaves, flowers, roots, barks, seeds, rhizomes of herbs, spices, essential oils, supercritical extraction, medicinal and aromatic plant, catechu, indian bael, flax seeds, green mango, chamomile, peppermint, curry leaves, nutmeg, mace, caraway seed,, basil, bhumi amla, kutki, long pepper, psyllium, isabgol, indian borej, red sandalwood, pomegranate, pomegranate seeds, rock salt, rosemary, ginger, ashwagandha, fenugreek seeds, guruchi
Services: Export
Botanical Name - Aquilaria agallocha Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Heart Wood General Information - "This plant is a large evergreen tree about 20 meters tall and 1.5-2.4 meters in girth with somewhat straight and fluted bole. Leaves are alternate 0.5-10 cm by 2-5 cm, oblong, lanceolate or elliptic, caudate, acuminate and glabrous with slender nerves. Venation is parallel and petiole is 0.3-0.5 cm long. It is commercially used as fragrant and in prepation of drugs. The tree contains plenty of oleoresin and has irregular dark patches. The wood burns with a bright flame giving off pleasant smell. " Phytochemicals - The chemical constitutes of agarwood originating from the genus Aquilaria, include 2-(2-phenylethyl)-4H-chromen-4-one derivatives, terpenoids, flavonoids etc., in which 2-(2-phenylethyl)-4H-chromen-4-one derivatives and sesquiterpenes are the two predominant constituents in agarwood.
Botanical Name - Balanites aegyptica/Balanites roxburghii Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Leaves, Seed, Bark, Fruit General Information - Balanites aegyptiaca Del., also known as Desert date in English, a member of the family Zygophyllaceae, is one of the most common but neglected wild plant species of the dry land areas of Africa and South Asia. This tree is native to much of Africa and parts of the Middle East. In India, it is particularly found in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Deccan. This is one of the most common trees in Senegal. It can be found in many kinds of habitat, tolerating a wide variety of soil types, from sand to heavy clay, and climatic moisture levels Phytochemicals - "Leaves It contains saponin, furanocoumarin, and flavonoid namely quercetin 3-glucoside, quercetin-3-rutinoside; 3-glucoside, 3-rutinoside, 3-7-diglucoside and 3-rhamnogalactoside of isorhamnetin.[40,41] Fruit Mesocarp of fruit contains 1.2 to 1.5% protein and 35 to 37% sugars, 15% organic acids, other constituents like 3-rutinoside and 3-rhamnogalactoside,[42] diosgenin;[43] Root It is reported to contain steroidal saponin about 1% glycosides and major sapogenin is yamogenin"
Botanical Name - Boerhaavia diffusa Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Roots General Information - Boerhaavia diffusa, commonly known as punarnava in Sanskrit, is a herbaceous plant of the family Nyctaginaceae. The whole plant or its specific parts (leaves, stem, and roots) are known to have medicinal properties and have a long history of use by indigenous and tribal people in India. The medicinal value of this plant in the treatment of a large number of human ailments is mentioned in Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, and Sushrita Samhita. It has many ethnobotanical uses (the leaves are used as vegetable; the root juice is used to cure asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhea, rheumatism, and encephalitis), and is medicinally used in the traditional, Ayurvedic system. Besides, the B. diffusa plant is reported to posses many pharmacological, clinical, and antimicrobial properties. Phytochemicals- Pharmacological studies have demonstrated that punarnava possesses punarnavoside, which exhibits a wide range of properties â?? diuretic; anti-inflammatory; antifibrinolytic; anticonvulsant; antibacterial; antistress agent; antihepatotoxic; anthelmintic febrifuge, antileprosy, anti-asthmatic, antiscabies, and anti-urethritis; and antinematodal activity. An aqueous extract of thinner roots of B. diffusa at a dose of 2 ml kg-1 exhibited marked protection of various enzymes such as serum glutanicoxaloacetic transaminase, serum glutanic-pyruvic transaminase, and bilirubin in serum against hepatic injury in rats.
Botanical Name - Catharanthus roseus Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Leaves, Flower General Information - Catharanthus roseus is a tropical hardy plant grown as a pot ornamental plant for its rosy or white flowers. It is popularly known as Madagascar periwinkle. It is small in size perennial herbaceous evergreen plant that was native to the Madagascar island. The plant has very good tolerance against heat, grows one or two feet high, have glossy, dark green leaves (1-2 inches long) and flowers even in the hot weather. The blooms of the natural wild plants are pale pink with a purple "eye" in their centers, but horticulturists have developed varieties with colors ranging from white to pink to purple. The plant has immense medicinal importance for its alkaloids. All parts of the plant including leaf, root, shoot and stem contains more than 200 alkaloids, which are used for therapeutic purposes against several diseases. The most important alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine are derived from leaves and they exhibits anti-cancer and anti-diabetic property. Another alkaloid rubacine derived from roots is used as hypotensive and anti-arrhythmic agent. Phytochemicals - A wide range of alkaloids has been discovered from C. roseus. More than 130 alkaloids of the indole and the dihydro-indole groups have been isolated and characterized from different plant organs. Vinblastin is very important alkaloid extracted from leaf part of C. roseus.
Botanical Name - Cymbopogon martinii Category - Aromatic Form - Fresh/Dry Part Used - Leaves General Information - Cymbopogon martinii is a species of grass in the genus Cymbopogon (lemongrasses) native to India and Indochina, but widely cultivated in many places for its aromatic oil.[3][4] It is best known by the common name palmarosa (palm rose) as it smells sweet and rose-like. Other common names include Indian geranium, gingergrass, rosha, and rosha grass. Phytochemicals - The essential oil of this plant, which contains the chemical compound geraniol, is valued for its scent and for a number of traditional medicinal and household uses. Palmarosa oil has been shown to be an effective insect repellent when applied to stored grain and beans, an antihelmintic against nematodes, and an antifungal and mosquito repellent.
Botanical Name - Eucalyptus citriodora/Corymbia citriodora Category - Aromatic/Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Leaves General Information - "The name Eucalyptus was coined by L. Fleritier, a French B otanist in tlie year 1789. Eucalyptus is formed by eu means well and kalyptus meaning I cover ; thus referring to the lid of operculum which seals the flower till it blooms. Eucalyptus was first introduced to India in the Naiidi hills of Karnataka by Tippu Sultan between 1782 to 1790. Later in 1843 its plantation was extended to the Nilgiri hills in southern India. Nearly 170 species have been tried in India out of which only five species, viz. E. tereticornis, E. ccmaldensis, E. grandis, E. citriodom , and E. globulus have received wide acceptance, E, citriodom is among the economically important species of eucalyptus available worldwide. Its main utility is in the perfume industry due to it's highest citronellal content (>70 % ). The wood o f the plant is also an important timber and firewood. " Phytochemicals - "The essentia! oil o f Eucalyptus is obtained by hydrodistillation o f the fresh leaves. It is colourless or pale-yellow liquid. It has an arom atic and cam phoraceous odour: a pungent, cam phoraceous taste followed by a sensation o f cold. T he yield o f oil varies from species to species, place to place and w ith the season. Eucalyptus oil can be classified under three m ain categories depending on the principal constituents present, viz: - 1) Medicinal oils or Cineol containing oils. 2) Perfum ery oils or Citronellal containing oils. 3 ) industrial oils or Phellandrene containing oils. The leaves o f E.cilriodora yield an essential oil (0.5-2.0) containing citronellal (65-80% ), citronellol (15-20 % ) and esters (W ealth o f India, 1952). O ils poor in citronellal are reported to contain guaicol. The Kino obtained from E. cilriodora contains 4H.2 % tannin. The chem ical com position o f the essential oils obtained from the leaves o f 12 species o f eucalyptus including E. citiodora growing in Eithiopia were exam ined by capillaryGC and CjC-MS. The oil of Cilriodora was found to l->e rich in citronellal (73.3 %), and citronellol (16.2 %). "
Botanical Name - Eucalyptus citriodora/Corymbia citriodora Category - Aromatic/Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Leaves General Information - "The name Eucalyptus was coined by L. Fleritier, a French B otanist in tlie year 1789. Eucalyptus is formed by eu means well and kalyptus meaning/ cover ; thus referring to the lid of operculum which seals the flower till it blooms. Eucalyptus was first introduced to India in the Naiidi hills of Karnataka by Tippu Sultan between 1782 to 1790. Later in 1843 its plantation was extended to the Nilgiri hills in southern India. Nearly 170 species have been tried in India out of which only five species, viz. E. tereticornis, E. ccmaldensis, E. grandis, E. citriodom , and E. globulus have received wide acceptance, E, citriodom is among the economically important species of eucalyptus available worldwide. Its main utility is in the perfume industry due to it's highest citronellal content (>70 % ). The wood o f the plant is also an important timber and firewood. Phytochemicals - "The essentia! oil o f Eucalyptus is obtained by hydrodistillation o f the fresh leaves. It is colourless or pale-yellow liquid. It has an arom atic and cam phoraceous odour: a pungent, cam phoraceous taste followed by a sensation of cold. T he yield o f oil varies from species to species, place to place and w ith the season. Eucalyptus oil can be classified under three m ain categories depending on the principal constituents present, viz: - 1) Medicinal oils or Cineol containing oils. 2) Perfum ery oils or Citronellal containing oils. 3 ) industrial oils or Phellandrene containing oils. The leaves o f E.cilriodora yield an essential oil (0.5-2.0) containing citronellal (65-80% ), citronellol (15-20 % ) and esters (W ealth o f India, 1952). O ils poor in citronellal are reported to contain guaicol. The Kino obtained from E. cilriodora contains 4H.2 % tannin. The chem ical com position o f the essential oils obtained from the leaves o f 12 species of eucalyptus including E. citiodora growing in Eithiopia were exam ined by capillaryGC and CjC-MS. The oil o f Cilriodora was found to l->e rich in citronellal (73.3 %), and citronellol (16.2 %). "
Botanical Name - Glycyrrhiza glabra Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Root General Information - Glycyrrhiza is derived from the ancient Greek term glykos, meaning sweet, and rhiza, meaning root. Glycyrrhiza glabra is known as mulaithi in north India. Glycyrrhiza glabra, also known as licorice and sweet wood, is native to the Mediterranean and certain areas of Asia. A number of traditional healers have claimed the efficacy of Glycyrrhiza species for a variety of pathological conditions as a diuretic, choleretic, used as insecticide, and indicated in traditional medicine for coughs, colds, and painful swellings . The roots are unearthed in the autumn of the fourth season. It is grown in India, Spain, Iran, Russia, China and Italy. Phytochemicals - A number of components have been isolated from the roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, including a water-soluble, biologically active complex that accounts for 40-50% of total dry material weight. This complex is composed of triterpene, saponin, flavonoids, polysaccharides, pectins, simple sugars, amino acids, mineral salts, asparagines, bitters, essential oil, fat, female hormone estrogen, gums, mucilage (rhizome), protein, resins, starches, sterols, volatile oils, tannins, glycosides, and various other substances. Glycyrrhizin, a triterpenoid compound, accounts for the sweet taste of licorice root. This compound represents a mixture of potassium-calcium-magnesium salts of glycyrrhizic acid that varies within a 2-25% range. Among the natural saponin, glycyrrhizic acid is a molecule composed of a hydrophilic part, two molecules of glucuronic acid, and a hydrophobic fragment, glycyrrhetic acid. The yellow color of licorice is due to the flavonoid content of the plant, which includes liquiritin, isoliquiritin (a chalcone) and other compounds. The isoflavones, glabridin and hispaglabridins A and B have significant antioxidant activity and both glabridin and glabrene possess estrogen-like activity.