Dielectric Measurement Setup - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA
1. Dielectric Measurement Setup, Model: DEC-600
Suitable for temperature upto 600 C, including highly stable PID Controller and Capacitance meter 1pF to 20000F.
QS30 is designed for highest precision determining the capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor tanª- of liquid and solid insulants, cables, capacitors, line transformers, generators, motors, bushings etc. Furthermore, it can also be used for power loss measurement on shunt reactors or similar apparatus. The system performs Semi-Automatic measurement of Dissipation Factor (tanª-) & Power Factor (cosª+) and Capacitance. Ití»s designed to help you modernize your testing facility at an affordable price and, ití»s simple to operate. We can also provide the professional solutions and equipments for: withstanding voltage testing, c & tan-delta (power factor) testing, partial discharge (PD) testing and impulse voltage testing.
8085 based Thyristor firing Angle Controller Trainer - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA Study of 8085 based Thyristor firing Angle Controller Trainer, Model: TFC 901
Single Phase Voltage Commutated D.C. Chopper - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Study of Single Phase Voltage Commutated D.C. Chopper using SCR, Model: JC 703
Stability Analysis Trainer Kit - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA Stability Analysis Trainer Kit, Model: SAT 01 1. Study of open and close loop response to step signal and calculation of steady state error for step input. 2. For step input, stability analysis on varying gain in closed-loop mode under a) Positive feedback mode b) Negative feedback mode 3. Determine the gain at which the control system become marginally stable for different plants for step input
Stroboscope - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Stroboscope, Model: STB 01 For the measurement of shaft speed using stroboscope principle.
Potentiometer Error Detector - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Potentiometer Error Detector, Model: PED 01 To study the performance of a potentiometer type D.C. position error detector.
Linear System Simulator Trainer - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Linear System Simulator Trainer, Model: LSS101 To study the performance of First, Second and Third order Systems.
Magnetic Amplifier Demonstration Unit Various type - BRAND - VIJAYANTA, INDIA 1. Magnetic Amplifier Demonstration Unit, Model: M 1 1600 suitable for demonstrate all experiments based on magnetic amplifier principle. Capacity : 250, VA. Including : (i) Power Supply, Model-LV-30/1. (ii) AC/DC Ammeter, Range : 5 Amp. (iii) Rheostat, Range : 250 ohm / 1 Amp. 2. Magnetic Amplifier Demonstration Unit, Model: M â?? 1 â?? 1700 Suitable for demonstrate of Self excited, positive feedback & negative feedback, Amplest and Bridge Capacity : 250, VA. Including : (i) Power Supply, Model-LV-30/1. (ii) AC/DC Ammeter, Range : 5 Amp. (iii) Rheostat, Range : 250 ohm / 1 Amp. 3. Magnetic Amplifier Demonstration Unit, Model: M â?? 1 â?? 1800 Suitable for demonstrate of series connected, parallel connected & BH Loop. Capacity : 250, VA. Including : (i) Power Supply, Model-LV-30/1. (ii) AC/DC Ammeter, Range : 5 Amp. (iii) Rheostat, Range : 250 ohm / 1 Amp.
Dielectric Constant of Solids & Liquids - BRAND - VIJAYANTA,INDIA 1. Dielectric Constant of Solids & Liquids, Model: DSL-01 Dielectric measurements of nonconducting solids & liquids. Complete in all respect