Enable your multi-type-small-lot production with the CF2.
The CF2 Series flat bed cutting plotter capable of cutting various kinds of media with high accuracy without dies. Out of a total of 30 kinds of line-up, you can choose the one best suited for your needs. By cutting the printed media, you may produce high value-added products on demand required. Begin multi-type small-lot production with unprecedented high quality.
CF2-0912** CF2-1215** CF2-1218**
area X
(Sensor model) 1,170mm(46.1) 1,470mm(57.9) 1,770mm(69.7)
(No sensor model) 1,200mm(47.2) 1,500mm(59.1)1,800mm(70.9)
Y 900mm(35.4) 1,200mm(47.2)
Motorization X,Y,Z, 4 axes DC software servo
Maximum plotting speed 50cm(19.7) / s
Maximum acceleration 0.5G
Mechanical resolution X:0.00234mm(0.00009) Y:0.003125mm(0.0001) :0.05625
Command resolution 0.025mm(0.001) / 0.01mm(0.0004)
(changeable from operation panel)
accuracy *1 Repetition accuracy ±0.1mm(0.004)
Distance accuracy ±0.1mm(0.004) or ±0.1% whichever is greater
Origin repetition accuracy ±0.1mm(0.004)
Maximum thickness of set work T / TD:25mm(1) RT / RC:20mm(0.8)
Work fixation Air suction by a blower
Receiver buffer size 1MB
Command MGL-IIc3(Support MGL-IIc) *2
Interface RS-232C
Dimension Width 1,760mm(69.3)
or less 2060mm(81.1)
or less 2360mm(92.9)
or less
Depth 1,600mm(63.0)
or less 1900mm(74.8) or less
Height 1,100mm(43.3) or less
Weight 140kg(308lbs) 165kg(364lbs) 180kg(397lbs)
Operation environment Temperaturet : 5-40C
Humidityt : 35-75%(Rh)No condensation
Power requirement Main Unitt : 50/60Hz AC100/120/220/240V(tap changing)
Blowert : Stated separately
Power consumption Main Unit : 300VA Blowert : Stated separately
Possible to cut with standard accessories
Possible to cut with the use of optional items