AlcoMate Premium Breathalyzer-Description - Basic Pack
AlcoMate Premium Breathalyzer
Pack Option *
FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE, CAR ADAPTER)
BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch)
*Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs
Our flagship AlcoMate Premium breathalyzer, which combines professional reliability with extremely easy-to-use one-button operation. You can count on the Premium breathalyzer to serve all your personal and/or professional alcohol breath testing needs, as it is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Premium breathalyzer also incorporates patented pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to eliminate the need for calibration service, saving you the downtime and inconvenience, as well as extending the lifetime of the device.
The Problem with Re-Calibration
One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down.
The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules!
The AlcoMate Premium eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one.
The AlcoMate Premium Hard Case, includes a free additional sensor chip, is our new flagship alcohol breathalyzer that combines advanced PRISM (Precalibrated Replaceable Intelligent Sensor Module) technology, professional accuracy, and modern design into a convenient, easy-to-use alcohol breathalyzer device. The AlcoMate Premium is suitable for health and law enforcement professionals, as well as pro-sumers seeking a top-notch alcohol testing product. Introducing PRISM Sensor Technology With the new AlcoMate Premium, ASC is offering to you the most advanced, accurate and convenient breath testing system available. PRISM Technology provides by far the highest quality replaceable sensor module components using the most rigorous standards of construction, durability and accuracy. The method of exchanging sensor modules is also easier than ever with the Easy-Replace Sensor Panel on the back of the breathalyzer. Now sensor replacement is faster than ever, and literally takes just a few seconds! PRISM Technology is only available with the AlcoMate Premium. FULL PACK Includes Breathalyzer AA Batteries (x2) Mouthpieces (x5) Hard Case Car Adapter Pouch Handstrap User's Manual Special Features No Calibration Required! Easy-Replace Sensor Panel and Sensor Modules (PRISM Technology) DOT Approved for Law Enforcement: Accuracy +/-0.01 at 0.10%BAC US Coast Guard Approved K061922 Test Counter Large 4-Digit Decimal Display (0.000%) Active Pressure Sensor Deep-Lung Air Sampling Cumulative Test Counter Sensor Accuracy: +/- 0.01 at 0.10% BAC Audible Alerts / Low Battery Indicator Self-Diagnostic System Rapid Multi-Testing Auto Power Off One-Way-Flow Mouthpieces
AlcoMate Premium Breathalyzer Pack Option * FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE, CAR ADAPTER) BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch) *Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs Our flagship AlcoMat Premium breathalyzer, which combines professional reliability with extremely easy-to-use one-button operation. You can count on the Premium breathalyzer to serve all your personal and/or professional alcohol breath testing needs, as it is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Premium breathalyzer also incorporates patented pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to eliminate the need for calibration service, saving you the downtime and inconvenience, as well as extending the lifetime of the device. The Problem with Re-Calibration One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down. The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules! The AlcoMate�® Premium eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one. Premium Advantages DOT Approved for Law Enforcement: Accuracy +/-0.01 at 0.10%BAC US Coast Guard Approved Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Module Technology 2nd Generation Re-Inforced Sensor Modules Easy-Replace Sensor Panel 4-Digit LCD Results Display Internal Mouthpiece Storage Slot (x2) Active Pressure Sensor / Deep Lung Air Sampling Cumulative Test Counter Low Battery Indicator / Auto Power-Off Compact, Sleek and Modern Design
AlcoMate Premium Breathalyzer-Description - Full Pack AlcoMate Premium Breathalyzer Pack Option * FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE, CAR ADAPTER) BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch) *Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs Our flagship AlcoMate Premium breathalyzer, which combines professional reliability with extremely easy-to-use one-button operation. You can count on the Premium breathalyzer to serve all your personal and/or professional alcohol breath testing needs, as it is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Premium breathalyzer also incorporates patented pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to eliminate the need for calibration service, saving you the downtime and inconvenience, as well as extending the lifetime of the device. The Problem with Re-Calibration One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down. The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules! The AlcoMate�?�® Premium eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one. Premium Advantages DOT Approved for Law Enforcement: Accuracy +/-0.01 at 0.10%BAC US Coast Guard Approved Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Module Technology 2nd Generation Re-Inforced Sensor Modules Easy-Replace Sensor Panel 4-Digit LCD Results Display Internal Mouthpiece Storage Slot (x2) Active Pressure Sensor / Deep Lung Air Sampling Cumulative Test Counter Low Battery Indicator / Auto Power-Off Compact, Sleek and Modern Design
The AlcoMate Premium Hard Case, includes a free additional sensor chip, is our new flagship alcohol breathalyzer that combines advanced PRISM (Precalibrated Replaceable Intelligent Sensor Module) technology, professional accuracy, and modern design into a convenient, easy-to-use alcohol breathalyzer device. The AlcoMate Premium is suitable for health and law enforcement professionals, as well as pro-sumers seeking a top-notch alcohol testing product. Introducing PRISM Sensor Technology With the new AlcoMate Premium, ASC is offering to you the most advanced, accurate and convenient breath testing system available. PRISM Technology provides by far the highest quality replaceable sensor module components using the most rigorous standards of construction, durability and accuracy. The method of exchanging sensor modules is also easier than ever with the Easy-Replace Sensor Panel on the back of the breathalyzer. Now sensor replacement is faster than ever, and literally takes just a few seconds! PRISM Technology is only available with the AlcoMate Premium.
AlcoMate Prestige Breathalyzer Pack Option * FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE) BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch) *Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs. **Sensor modules for Prestige are RED for devices purchased after 2008; the GREEN module for Prestige is for legacy Prestige devices purchased 2008 or prior (the RED and GREEN modules are incompatible with each other). Simply look into the exit air vent of their device (directly opposite where the mouthpiece is inserted) to examine the corners of the interior circuit board of the module. RED/GREEN for sensor modules has nothing to do with the exterior color of the device. The AlcoMate�® Prestige is the original breath tester that introduced pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to the market. Pre-calibrated replaceable sensor modules eliminate the need for traditional mail-back calibration service that is required of all other typical breathalyzers. The AlcoMate�® Prestige breathalyzer is the original device in our product line that showcases patent-pending pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology. The AlcoMate�® Prestige breathalyzer is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Problem with Re-Calibration One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down. The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules! The AlcoMat Prestige eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one. Prestige Features DOT Approved for Law Enforcement: Accuracy +/-0.01 at 0.10%BAC US Coast Guard Approved Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Module Technology 3-Digit LED Results Display Active Pressure Sensor / Deep Lung Air Sampling Cumulative Test Counter Low Battery Indicator / Auto Power-Off
AlcoMate Prestige Breathalyzer Pack Option * FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE) BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch) *Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs. **Sensor modules for Prestige are RED for devices purchased after 2008; the GREEN module for Prestige is for legacy Prestige devices purchased 2008 or prior (the RED and GREEN modules are incompatible with each other). Simply look into the exit air vent of their device (directly opposite where the mouthpiece is inserted) to examine the corners of the interior circuit board of the module. RED/GREEN for sensor modules has nothing to do with the exterior color of the device. The AlcoMate Prestige is the original breath tester that introduced pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to the market. Pre-calibrated replaceable sensor modules eliminate the need for traditional mail-back calibration service that is required of all other typical breathalyzers. The AlcoMate Prestige breathalyzer is the original device in our product line that showcases patent-pending pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology. The AlcoMate�® Prestige breathalyzer is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Problem with Re-Calibration One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down. The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules! The AlcoMate Prestige eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one.
Pack Option * FULL PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch, HARD CASE) BASIC PACK (2 x Batteries, 5 x Mouthpieces, Carry Pouch) *Full packs include an exterior hard case, basic packs do not; otherwise all other accessories are identical between packs. **Sensor modules for Prestige are RED for devices purchased after 2008; the GREEN module for Prestige is for legacy Prestige devices purchased 2008 or prior (the RED and GREEN modules are incompatible with each other). Simply look into the exit air vent of their device (directly opposite where the mouthpiece is inserted) to examine the corners of the interior circuit board of the module. RED/GREEN for sensor modules has nothing to do with the exterior color of the device. The AlcoMate Prestige is the original breath tester that introduced pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology to the market. Pre-calibrated replaceable sensor modules eliminate the need for traditional mail-back calibration service that is required of all other typical breathalyzers. The AlcoMate Prestige breathalyzer is the original device in our product line that showcases patent-pending pre-calibrated replaceable sensor module technology. The AlcoMate�® Prestige breathalyzer is DOT Approved for law-enforcement grade accuracy and US Coast Guard Approved to satisfy the requirements of all marine vessels in US waters to have a breathalyzer-on-board. The Problem with Re-Calibration One of the most important things to understand when using a breath alcohol tester is that all typical breath alcohol sensors require periodic re-calibration in order to maintain accuracy. It is inherent to alcohol sensing technology, much like gasoline engines in cars require oil changes in order to function properly. Most breathalyzers have to be physically mailed to a service center along with a fee to get this re-calibration done, and you will be without your breath alcohol tester until the service is done. Even if re-calibration is done on schedule, the service does not restore any wear on the alcohol sensor, and eventually your breathalyzer will fail completely due to the sensor breaking down. The Solution: Pre-Calibrated Replaceable Sensor Modules! The AlcoMate Prestige eliminates the problems of re-calibration by eliminating the need for re-calibration completely! No more downtime, no more back-and-forth mailing, no more gradual sensor breakdown, because you replace each sensor module with a new pre-calibrated one each time! Because the sensor modules are pre-calibrated, there is nothing you have to do but simply swap out the old one with the new one.
AlcoMate Pro certification from the Food & Drug Administration for medical and personal healthcare use. DOT / NTHSA: Approved by the Department of Transportation and the National Traffic & Highway Safety Administration. Law Enforcement grade Accuracy: +/- 0.01% at 0.10% BAC Breath sampling time: About 5 sec 1year warranty Includes: Car Adapter, Hard Case, Carrying Bag, 9V Battery, 2 Mouth Pieces, Hand Strap, & Breathalyzer.
AlcoMate Pro certification from the Food & Drug Administration for medical and personal healthcare use. DOT / NTHSA: Approved by the Department of Transportation and the National Traffic & Highway Safety Administration. Law Enforcement grade Accuracy: +/- 0.01% at 0.10% BAC Breath sampling time: About 5 sec 1year warranty Includes: Car Adapter, Hard Case, Carrying Bag, 9V Battery, 2 Mouth Pieces, Hand Strap, & Breathalyzer.