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Product Name : COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 IgM Antibody Test Kit Product Description : Material attachment is good. The shell of the detection card should be flat, the upper and lower covers should be closed evenly, and there should be no obviousgap.Thediluentshouldbeclearandfree offoreignmatter. 1.6 Size:thesizeofteststripshouldnotbelessthan2.5mm. 1.7 Liquidmigrationspeedshouldnotbelessthan10mm/min. 2.Minimumdetectionlimit TheminimumtestlimitreferenceproductsS1shouldbenegative,S2andS3shouldbepositive. 3.Negativecompliancerate 5copiesofnegativereferenceproductsof thetestcompanyshallbeallnegative,withanegativecompliancerateof100%. 4.Positivecompliancerate 5copiesofnegativereferenceproductsof thetestcompanyshallbeallpositive,withanegativecompliancerateof 100%. 5.Repeatability Test1copyoftheenterprisepositivereference,test10times,shouldbeconsistentcolor,arepositive. 6.Specificity 6.4 Cross Reaction: This product with vice influenza virus antibodies, influenza a virus, influenza b virus antibodies, pneumonia chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody, adenovirus antibody, respiratory syncytial virus antibody, hepatitisbsurfaceantibody,hepatitis cvirusantibody,treponemapallidumantibody,humanimmunodeficiencyvirus(HIV) antibodies,EBvirusantibody,measlesvirus,CMVantibodies,enterovirustype71,mumpsvirusantibody,varicella - zoster viruspositivesamples nocrossreaction. 6.5 Thereisnocross-reactionbetweenRF,ANAandAMA. 6.6 Interferingsubstance: (3) When bilirubin concentration =250 mol/L, hemoglobin content =9g/L, triglyceride content =15mmol/L,content of rheumatoid factor =80IU/mL, titer ofANA=1:240, anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) =80U/mL, content of mouse IgG=1000g/mL,therewillbenointerferencewiththetestresultsof thisproduct. (4) The commonly used antiviral drugs epiztin acid (=4mg/L), ribavirin (=40mg/L), interferon (=200mg/L), oseltamivir (=30mg/L), abidol (=40mg/L), levofloxacin (=200mg/L), azithromycin (=100mg/L), ceftriaxone (=400mg/L), meropenan(=200mg/L) havenointerferenceinthedetectionofthisproduct. 7. Hookeffect No hook effect was found in the test results of this product within the titer range of clinically positive samples of the novel coronavirusantibody. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : $4.23 Product origin : China Key Specifications/Special Features : CE FDA Hospital professional testing and use, family and individuals can not use Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details: MOQ:10000pieces 25pieces/box box size:15*14*6.5cm ,150g/box 100boxes /CTN,CTN Size 72*62*36cm 21KG(without lancet and alcohol cotton)
Product Name : COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 IgG/Ig Manti body Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) with CE and FDA Product Description : shouldbenoobviousgap.The inner teststrip shouldbefirmlyattachedwithoutwaggle.Thediluentshouldbeclearandfreeof foreignmatter. 1.2 Size:thesizeoftheinnerstripshouldnotbelessthan2.5mm. 1.3 Liquidmigrationspeedshouldnotbelessthan10mm/min. 1.4 2. Minimum detection limit The minimum test limit reference products S1 should be negative, S2 and S3 should be positive. 3. Negative compliance rate:5 pieces of negative referenceproducts of the test companyshall be all negative, with a negative compliancerateof100%. 4.Positivecompliancerate:5pieces of positivereferenceproducts,eachreferencetestonetimes andshallbeallpositive,with apositivecompliancerateof 100%. 5.Repeatability:Test1pieceoftheenterprisepositivereference,testit10times,thecolor shouldbeconsistentandallpositive. 6.Specificity 6.1 Cross Reaction: This product do not cross-react with the positive specimens including vice influenza virus antibodies, influenza a virus, influenza b virus antibodies, pneumonia chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody, adenovirus antibody, respiratory syncytial virus antibody, hepatitis b surface antibody, hepatitis c virus antibody, treponema pallidum antibody,human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) antibodies, EBvirus antibody,measles virus,CMVantibodies, enterovirus type71,mumpsvirusantibody,varicella- zostervirus. 6.2 Thereisnocross-reactionbetweenRF,ANAandAMA. 6.3 Interferingsubstance: (1) When bilirubin concentration 250 mol/L, hemoglobin content 9g/L, triglyceride content 15mmol/L, content of rheumatoid factor 80IU/mL, titer ofANA1:240, anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) 80U/mL, content of mouse IgG1000g/mL,therewillbenointerferencewiththetestresultsofthisproduct. (2) The commonly used antiviral drugs epiztin acid (4mg/L), ribavirin (40mg/L), interferon (200mg/L), oseltamivir (30mg/L), abidol (40mg/L), levofloxacin (200mg/L), azithromycin (100mg/L), ceftriaxone (400mg/L), meropenan(200mg/L) hasnointerferenceinthedetectionofthisproduct. 7. Hook effect: No hook effect was found inthe test results of this product within the titer range of clinically positive samples ofthenovelcoronavirusantibody. 8. The minimum detection limit and reproducibility of 10 samples of clinically positive serum of COVID-19 novel coronavirus werestudied. Product origin : China Key Specifications/Special Features : CE FDA Hospital professional testing and use, family and individuals can not use Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details: MOQ:10000pieces 25pieces/box box size:15*14*6.5cm ,150g/box 100boxes /CTN CTN Size 72*62*36cm 21KG(without lancet and alcohol cotton)