It's one of the most extensively used cooking oils, and it's stable and long-lasting. It's also inexpensive and widely available. Soybean oil is mostly used in baking and cooking. It can also be used as a salad dressing. Soybean oil's omega-3 fatty acids protect the cardiovascular system by scraping off harmful cholesterol. Linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acids) is important for brain function, growth and development, encouraging skin and hair growth, preserving bone health, controlling metabolism, and sustaining the reproductive system, in addition to omega-3 fatty acids. Soybean oil contains a high amount of vitamin K, which helps to alleviate Alzheimer's symptoms and may even reverse the disease.
Vitamin K promotes bone repair, making it a good osteoporosis treatment.
Key Specifications/Special Features - "Saponification 189-195 mg KOH/g oil
Iodine value 124�¢?? 139 g/100g oil
Unsaponifiable matter 1.5% maximum
Refractive index (ND 40oC) 1.466 - 1.470
Relative density (20 oC /water at 20 C) 0.919 �¢?? 0.925
Vitamin A 24000�¢?? 36000 IU per kg oil
Vitamin D 2400 �¢?? 3600 IU per kg oil
Melon, (Cucumis melo), trailing vine in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), grown for its often musky-scented edible fruit. The melon plant is native to central Asia, and its many cultivated varieties are widely grown in warm regions around the world.