Flat plastic bags on roll is one of popular bags for food storage. Currently, there are many types of materials used to produce this type of bags. At Hanpak, we can make this bag with HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, PBAT as per customer's request. Every type of materials has different advantages and disadvantages. In case customers donot know which option is best for their demand, Hanpak can propose best choice for suitable.
Flat plastic bags on roll is one of popular bags for food storage. Currently, there are many types of materials used to produce this type of bags. At Hanpak, we can make this bag with HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, PBAT as per customers request. Every type of materials has different advantages and disadvantages. In case customers don't know which option is best for their demand, Hanpak can propose best choice for suitable. Normally, this kind of bag has transparent color. However, some customers want different colors such as translucent, green, blue, yellow, etc. Its very simple because we just need to add a little masterbatch color while mixing material. Furthermore, several buyers want to print on the bags with their logo or any information to promote their store or products. Its really easy because we can print total 8 colors on 2 sides in maximum. In case customers need to expand the volume of bags without changing the width of bag, we can design it with side gussets. All flat plastic bags on roll has perforation line connecting bags together with bottom seal line. Its easy for us to use and open this bag by tearing off one by one bag. With advantages in easy to store and use, these produce plastic bags on rolls are suitable for supermarkets, home, and stores.
Flat plastic bags on roll is one of popular bags for food storage. Currently, there are many types of materials used to produce this type of bags. At Hanpak, we can make this bag with HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, PBAT as per customer's request. Every type of materials has different advantages and disadvantages. In case customers donot know which option is best for their demand, Hanpak can propose best choice for suitable. Normally, this kind of bag has transparent color. However, some customers want different colors such as translucent, green, blue, yellow, etc. It's very simple because we just need to add a little masterbatch color while mixing material. Furthermore, several buyers want to print on the bags with their logo or any information to promote their store or products. Itâ??s really easy because we can print total 8 colors on 2 sides in maximum. In case customers need to expand the volume of bags without changing the width of bag, we can design it with side gussets.
* Flat poly bag, also known as layflat poly bags, flat plastic bag are made of HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PP resin material and have no handles. Clear flat plastic bag are usually used in packing foodstuff such as bread, candy and fresh or freezer food, etc. Depending on different need, customers can ask to add metallocene for durable and gloss bag, master-batch for colored flat poly bag or recycle material for trash bag. Each type of material has different uses. Prices are fit in with materials and blended composition percentage asked to produce as per customer's requirements. Lay flat poly bags are the most affordable and common way to pack products. With a variety of uses, flat plastic bag are used popular in daily life and many industries as well. Product Type: Flat bag on roll Material: HDPE/LDPE/LLDPE Feature: Eco-Friendly, Durable, Reusable, Heavy duty Color: Customized Surface Handling: Gravure printing MOQ: 1 ton Custom Order: Accept Brand Name: Hanpak * How to contact with Hanpak JSC: HANPAK JSC receives orders for custom singlet plastic shopping bag as per customerâ??s requirement. For more information of our plastic bags, please kindly contact with us immediately via email . Our sale experts will help you have an excellent choice for your orders with suitable prices and high quality.
Type of bag: Produce bags on Roll Material: LDPE Size / Thickness: Customized according to customers requirement Color: Any color as you like Printing: upto 8 colors Features: -Food garde PE, safe for storage food -Strong toughness, even if it is pulled by force it will not break or leak, no leakage of liquid -Heat resistant, safe for using in microwave or as freezer bag Usage: Supermarket, Household, Restaurant, Bakery, etc.
Plastic bags are one of the most popular types of plastic packaging for goods today. Manufactured from the main materials are high-grade safe plastic beads along with additives depending on their own characteristics. The advantage of plastic bags is that they are cheap, beautiful, have many designs and are convenient to use to store all kinds of goods.