Granular Urea 46% in Bulk,
manufacturer in Turkmenistan with price of 185$-195$ MT (it depend manufacturer).
The product is of Turkmenistan origin and they are be able to supply of the Urea till 50 000 MT monthly.
UREA 46% -
Name of parameter B Grade
1. Nitrogen fraction of total mass on dry basise, %, not less 46,2
2. Biuret (Ureido Formamide) fraction of total mass,% no more 1,4
3. Loose ammonia fraction of mass, % no more for carbamide
crystal -
prilled -
4. Mass share water, %, no more
- Method of drying 0.3
- Method Fishera 0.5
5. Friability, % 100
6. distribution of sizes,%:
- fraction of total mass of granules with size,mm :
1 - 4,not less 94
2 - 4, not less 70
less than, not less 3
6-mm sieve residue, no more 6-mm sieve residue, no more
7. Static hardness of granules, kgf/granule, not less 7
Urea the most concentrated Nitrogen fertilizer, contains in form, soil converts first into into nitrate forms. It is easily soluble in water.
We have ability to arrange the logistics and supply to any country with CIF conditions.
The payment condition is by prepayment (preferably) or SBLC / DLC / LC (needs be discussed).