5 Kilos of Packaged Seruni Citronella Oil
Seruni, Aceh original of fragrant lemongrass oil opens a benefit which is not widely known. We find that the main components of oil which consist of citronellal, citronellol and geraniol are able to inhibit bacterial activities. Seruni, Aceh original of fragrant lemongrass oil also provides benefits as an anti-bacterial agent. Seruni, Aceh original of fragrant lemongrass oil containing Citronellal (C10H160), Geraniol (C10H180) and Citronellol or Dihydrogeraniol (C10H200) compounds, also provides protection against oxidation and decay by microorganisms. Now, as we all know above information of Citronella Oils, by using this Minyak Sereh Wangi Asli Aceh, your body resistance against bacterial attacks will be preserved and stronger. Extract of Seruni, citronella oil, can be drunk directly to treat throat inflammations, colitis or intestinal ulcers, diarrhea, mouthwash, other stomachache, cough, colds, headache. It can also be used as a liniment treat for eczema and rheumatism.