The Harvest / consumption phase:
The harvest season begins at the Khelal phase, from the Beginning of September until the end of October.
Oasis dates are suitable for consumption and marketing at both the Khelal and semi-dry phases.
Fruits Data:::
Fruit length (cm) 5.08±0.38
Fruit width (cm) 2.80±0.10
Fruit weight (gm) 13.24±2.05
Fruit volume (cm 3) 16.70±2.68
Fruit shape Ovate-elongate 4
Fruit apex Blunt 2
Fruit base Truncate 6
Seed length (cm) 2.60±0.11
Seed width (cm) 1.10±0.17
Seed weight (gm) 1.80±0.04
Seed volume (cm 3) 1.60±0.07
Seed weight: fruit weight (%) 13.6
Seed volume: fruit volume (%) 9.58
Seed Shape Elliptical 2
Nutrition Value
Energy: 331 kcal 132 kcal
Protein: 2.8 g 1.12 g
Total carbohydrates : 80 g 32 g
Reducing sugars: 73 g 29.2 g
Delary fiber: 7 g 2.8 g
Fat-natural: 0.43 g 172 g
Choleslerol: nil nil
5 Kg / carton
22 tons at 40 feet reefer container
you are welcomed