SteelHome Express: East China Scrap Price Roughly Stable on Monday
Prices of scrap remain broadly stable in East China on Monday. 6-10mm HMS stays at 2680-2730 yuan/t in Jiangsu; 2700-2750 yuan/t in Shandong; 2680-2730 yuan/t in Fujian; 2670-2720 yuan/t in Anhui.
Several local steel makers have lowered the procurement price by 20-30 yuan/t as the futures price for rebar and steel price start dropping. The overall supply is tight amid the hot days.
SteelHome considers that prices of scrap may remain stable in the near term.
Link: Market price of Jiangsu Scrap on Aug 10,20
Link: Market price of Anhui Scrap on Aug 10,20
Link: Market price of Shandong Scrap on Aug 10,20
Link: Market price of Fujian Scrap on Aug 10,20