Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nibh sed elimttis adipiscing. Fusce in hendrerit purus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin quis eros odio, dapibus dictum mauris. Donec nisi libero, adipiscing id pretium eget, consectetur sit amet leo. Nam at eros quis mi egestas fringilla non nec purus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nibh sed elimttis adipiscing. Fusce in hendrerit purus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin quis eros odio, dapibus dictum mauris. Donec nisi libero, adipiscing id pretium eget, consectetur sit amet leo. Nam at eros quis mi egestas fringilla non nec purus
This is the sun house, it depends on how the user uses it. Someone used as an extension of living room or any room in the user house. Someone used it as a greenhouse. From here, please look at the construction of the house. We can build the door and window individually and in any material apart the glasses.
Pre-fabricated living space solutions can be produced and applied in a short time, which ensure quick accommodation solutions. These can be regarded as the most suitable solutions for various corporate or public needs such as construction site, social facility, hospital, school, office, dining hall, dormitory and disaster accommodation. These structures can be disassembled and re-installed; they can be adapted according to different geographical and climatic conditions by applying different insulation features. More and more customers are choosing pre-fabricated living spaces due to their practical features, affordable costs and quick solutions. We can produce structures with demanded special dimensions; it can offer single-storey or multi-storey building solutions suitable for horizontal architecture.