Origin: our farms Egypt
Product: Fresh lemons
Variety: Citrus lemon (Adalian Eureka 1 Verna )
Availability : most of the year
Colour: Natural Green Yellow
SIZES: 80,88,100,125,113,135,165 in box of 15 kg
Packing: 8,15 kg (telescopic /open top) cartons
Container capacity Details:
Number of Tons per container : 25 tons
Number of Pallets per container :21 pallets
Number of Cartons per container: 1664 cartons of 15 kg carton
Number of Cartons per container : 3125 cartons 8 kg
Number of Cartons per pallets : 148 Carton
Air Shipping :
Number of Tons per Shipment: 1-2 tons
WE have Global gap . iso9001 and FDA certificate