Srisha crafts beddings with timeless design and comfort using satin, dobby, Jacquard using decorative techniques
like fancy hems and embroidery for exquisite warmth to suit the contemporary needs. Srisha Bed Linens
is the perfect combination of style and Luxury with superior blends.
If you need it custom-made, we can deliver! From bed linens, fabrics, comforters, and towels to a wide range of personalized products, we help bring your vision to market with premium quality, tailored solutions, and expert craftsmanship.
* Bed linens are becoming a new luxury necessity of the consumers world-wide Reianshi Home Luxe Enterprise brings to you premium bed linen in exclusive colours, designs & materials from the Subcontinent.
* When it comes to bed-linen manufacturing, we control the process from product development to quality and production at weaving, stitching & packaging units of our trusted vendor base.