Copper is considered an essential mineral for our body. Ayurveda recommends storing water overnight in a copper jug and drinking it first thing in the morning for maintaining good health. The water stored this way is called Tamra Jal and it helps to balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta.) The metal copper has electromagnetic energy which is called Prana Shakti. Drinking water that is stored for 8-10 hours in a copper vessel is very beneficial. Copper makes the water ionic which helps to maintain bodys pH (acid-alkaline) balance. . copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital human . our ancestors used to store water in containers made of copper . copper from the container leached into the water & helper in purification water is the most essential element to sustain life on this planet. 70 per cent of human body is made up of water. you may have not know this but in ancient times, our ancestors and even our grandmother followed the practice of storing water in container made of copper.their aim was probably to safeguard drinking water but there's more to the story. in today's modern world where we have UV filters and or purifier to purify water, the storage of water in metal containers may sound old-fashioned and not needed. however, this age-old practice referenced in ancient texts of Ayurveda is now supported by several scientific studies. Storing of water in metal containers may creates a natural purification process. it can kill all the microorganisms,molds,fungi,algae and bacteria, present in the water that could b harmful to the body and make the water perfectly fit for drinking. In addition, water stored in a copper vessel, preferably overnight or at least for four hours, acquires a certain quality from the copper.