1. Buyer sends ICPO to seller on receiptof seller's Soft offer along with tank storage agreement (TSA) as proof of storage availability.
2. Seller issues Draft Contract /Commercial invoice (CI) for the available quantity in the storage tank to buyer, Buyer signs nd returns to seller with scan passport copy/IMFPA signed by all buyer groups with commision structure.
3. Seller issues DIP Test Authorization letter sign by all parties including buyers tank farm.
4. Seller issues as below:
-DTA - Dip test Authorization
-Fresh SGS Report
-Tank Receipt
and buyer order SGS to conduct Dip test of the product in the tank on buyer's expense
5. Upo succesfull Dip test, Buyer to provide vessel details or Tank details. Seller shall immediately submit the SGS inspection report along with the full Proof of product (POP) to the buyer.
6. Buyer make 100% payment by MT103 TT wire transfer for the total product and seller and seller mandates pays commision to all intermediaries involved in the transaction 24 hours after confirmation of buyer payment.