Squash: Hungarian Blue
Cucurbita maxima
Approx. 7-8 seeds per gram
Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason.
Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from. There are summer and winter types.
Summer squash are thin-skinned with a lighter, moist flesh. They are best eaten fresh.
Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour. They can be stored for a few months after harvest.
Squash: Buttercup Cucurbita Maxima Approx.6-7 Seeds Per Gram Squash Has Become Such A Popular Vegetable To Grow Over The Last Decade Or So And For Good Reason. Butternut Is One Of The Best Known But There Are So Many Varieties To Choose From. There Are Summer And Winter Types. Summer Squash Are Thin-skinned With A Lighter, Moist Flesh. They Are Best Eaten Fresh. Winter Squash Have A Harder Skin And Dense Flesh With A More Intense Flavour. They Can Be Stored For A Few Months After Harvest. Buttercup Has The Reputation Of Being One Of The Most Delicious Squashes Ever. It Has Green, Slightly Knobbly Skin And Firm, Sweet, Flesh. Buttercup Is A Flattened Globe Shape And Quite Large Weighing In At About 2kg. It Is Ideal For Roasting As Well As Soup And Pumpkin Pie.
Squash: Fictor Cucurbita Maxima Approx.4-5 Seeds Per Gram Squash Has Become Such A Popular Vegetable To Grow Over The Last Decade Or So And For Good Reason. Butternut Is One Of The Best Known But There Are So Many Varieties To Choose From. There Are Summer And Winter Types. Summer Squash Are Thin-skinned With A Lighter, Moist Flesh. They Are Best Eaten Fresh. Winter Squash Have A Harder Skin And Dense Flesh With A More Intense Flavour. They Can Be Stored For A Few Months After Harvest. Please Send Your Inquiry For Our Best Prices Wholesales Prices
Squash: Blue Kuri Cucurbita Maxima Approx. 8-9 Seeds Per Gram Squash Has Become Such A Popular Vegetable To Grow Over The Last Decade Or So And For Good Reason. Butternut Is One Of The Best Known But There Are So Many Varieties To Choose From. There Are Summer And Winter Types. Summer Squash Are Thin-skinned With A Lighter, Moist Flesh. They Are Best Eaten Fresh. Winter Squash Have A Harder Skin And Dense Flesh With A More Intense Flavour. They Can Be Stored For A Few Months After Harvest. Blue Kuri Is Very Similar To Green Hokkaido But With A Blue Tinge To The Skin And A Slightly-flattened Globe Shape. Fruits Have A Great Taste And The Skin Is Quite Thin Compared To Some Of The Winter Squashes. Fruits Weigh In At About 1kg. Please Send Your Inquiry For Our Best Prices Wholesales Prices
Squash: Blue Ballet Cucurbita Maxima Approx.18-20 Seeds Per Gram Squash Has Become Such A Popular Vegetable To Grow Over The Last Decade Or So And For Good Reason. Butternut Is One Of The Best Known But There Are So Many Varieties To Choose From. There Are Summer And Winter Types. Summer Squash Are Thin-skinned With A Lighter, Moist Flesh. They Are Best Eaten Fresh. Winter Squash Have A Harder Skin And Dense Flesh With A More Intense Flavour. They Can Be Stored For A Few Months After Harvest. Blue Ballet Is A Hubbard-type Squash With A Rounded, Tear-drop Shape. It Has Soft, Blue-grey Skin With Sweet Orange Flesh Which Has A Lovely Flavour. Fruits Weigh In At About 2kg In Most Seasons And Store Well.
Squash: Orangetti F1 Cucurbita pepo Approx. 7-8 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason. Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from. There are summer and winter types. Summer squash are thin-skinned with a lighter, moist flesh. They are best eaten fresh. Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour. They can be stored for a few months after harvest.
Squash Tibello F1 Cucurbita moschata Approx1820 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from There are summer and winter types Summer squash are thinskinned with a lighter moist flesh They are best eaten fresh Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour They can be stored for a few months after harvest PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Squash Leckor F1 Cucurbita maxima Approx 5 10 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from There are summer and winter types Summer squash are thinskinned with a lighter moist flesh They are best eaten fresh Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour They can be stored for a few months after harvest Leckor F1 is a recently developed silvergrey squash with orange flesh of an excellent texture and flavour It grows to 115kg and can store for up to four months
Carrot : Carrot is a kind of radish, as,cruciferous carrot, also known as,big carrot, northeast carrot one or two year old herbs, root meat, spherical, root bark red, root meat white. Originated in China, all around cultivation, the Northeast is the main producing areas of large carrots, due to climate and variety factors such as the formation of its high nutritional value and medicinal value. Carrot micro-temperature, into the lungs, stomach two, with heat, detoxification, dampness, stasis, stomach digestion, Huatanzhike, Shun gas, convenience, Shengjinzhike, fill in the five internal organs and other functions. A wide variety of radishes, raw to spicy less as well.