A 200-liter drum of Melipona honey is a rare and precious commodity.
Origin and Uniqueness:
Melipona honey originates from the Huasteca Region in Mexico. We personally know the beekeepers ...back to 1984.
Unlike regular honeybees, Melipona bees, a stingless bee variety do not create honeycombs.
Instead, they store their honey in sack-like pots structures within their hives.
These tiny bees feed on local plants with high levels of alkaloids and flavonoids, resulting in exceptional honey quality.
A hive of Melipona bees produces only 1-2 liters of honey in an entire year! In contrast, a hive of European honeybees can easily produce around 70 liters.
While Melipona honey lacks quantity, it compensates with SUPERIOR quality due to the unique flora the bees feed on.
Medicinal Use: Eyedrops, Burns, Eczema, Wounds,
Fine Culinary Dishes! Are you a CHEF and DESIRE to create that one of a kind dish? This Drum would give you 6700 fluid ounces to drizzle on a exquisite recipe.
Due to its scarcity and excellent quality, Melipona honey is relatively expensive compared to standard grocery store honey.
Its value has led it to be primarily used in medicinal applications, such as making eye drops.
Keep in mind that this unique honey is a natural gem with remarkable health benefits.
Contact us now if you are interested in getting this rare honey. More is coming soon!
I have Melipona Honey, ready to ship. Melipona honey is a natural ingredient, with medicinal properties, an ideal anti-aging ingredient, it contains high antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, favors healing, reduces facial blemishes.
I am selling 100% natural melipona honey. It is used for skin care, it contains vitamins A, C, D and E. It also has group B vitamins such as: Thiamine, Riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and biotin. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial and regenerative properties.
Of all the honeys on the market, few can claim to be sourced exclusively from pristine wilderness. The rare Leatherwood honey is produced from the nectar of the ancient Gondwanan tree, Eucryphia Lucida, which, with its deep roots and reliance on the rainforest ecosystem, is unique to the western half of the island of Tasmania. The seas that surround this Australian state provides a biosecurity moat and its GMO free status is legislated by local government. The luminous white petaled Leatherwood flower, brushed with the pink dust of pollen, produces prolific quantities of fragrant nectar for six weeks of the year. This is the only source of the of 400 to 1000 tonnes produced annually of one of the world's finest honey, Leatherwood honey. Leatherwood honey has a rich, complex flavour due to the presence of over 363 compounds. A rare, mono floral, pure honey, endemic to Tasmania. Properties: + Antibacterial - Significant to high activity + Anti-inflammatory + High Antioxidant capacity - rich in Flavonoids and Phenolics + Low GI + Antifungal + Prebiotic - in the top 3 Honeys in Australia, plus promotes proliferation of 4 major prebiotics + Natural Preservative + Natural Moisturiser + Suitable for dermatological conditions (in consultation with your health professional). Reference: CRCHBP for Honeybee Products (2022). Leatherwood Honey Descriptors and Bioactivity.
Multifloral and Orange Blossom Honey Raw, Unfiltered. Never Heated Available in quantities as small as 4 drums, up to 1000 drums. Honey is procured through our partnerships directly with farmersâ??a vast network of over 2000 indigenous beekeepers. Some we have known personally since 1984! Every batch from each producer receives a unique sequential identifier, recording pertinent details of the beekeeper and the precise harvest location. Subsequent to collection, the honey is conveyed to a designated storage facility, where representative samples are extracted from each barrel. Each barrel is evaluated and under goes traditional honey testing and thorough analysis for cleanliness and quality. Selected samples from each area and harvest season are then dispatched to a third-party certified laboratory for extensive testing. Through this assiduous protocol, we establish comprehensive traceability of honey, right down to the level of individual beekeepers and farms, ensuring and amplifying the quality and authenticity of every drop! Best Practices Certified BeeKeepers.
Supplier: Honey, orange blossom honey, multifloral honey, melipona (stingless bee) honey, premium vanilla extract, vanilla beans, vanilla paste, moringa leaf powder, spirulina powder, spirulina tablets, green coffee beans, roasted coffee beans, molasses, granola, granola bars (individually packed), cacao, cacao nibs, cacao powder, cocoa (superfine cacao), premium maple syrup, pecans
Services: International trading, shipping, english or spanish
custom product sourcing
Buyer: Boxes, gift boxes, mexican pottery, mexican dishes, bins, storage solutions, gloves, plant seeds for growing food, spices, nuts, empty shipping containers,
Judhur Naturals Himalayan Rare Small Bee Honey: The Himalayan Rare Small Bee or the Stingless Bee Honey is 100% natural that is derived with the utmost care from the Himalayan Region. The Stingless Bees store their aromatic honey in clusters of small resin pots near the extremities of the nest. The honey has high water content and hence, carries a fluid texture. It has an acidic flavor with a slight sweetness. It is considered the â??Natural World Healerâ?? as it has high anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, and skin aging delay properties. It is twice as nutritious as ordinary honey and has high medicinal properties since small bees collect nectar from small wild-growing medicinal plants and trees. At Judhur Naturals, honey is 100% raw and unfiltered, retaining all its nutrients and minerals. It is the purest form of honey that is extracted directly from the honeycombs of the hive, enriched with enzymes and antioxidants, staying true to its most natural form. Product Description: The Himalayan Rare Small Bee Honey carries numerous benefits that can improve the quality of human health.
Specification will be present upon asked. 450g glass jar
Sidr honey is mono-floral honey that is harvested from bees that feed solely on the nectar of the Sidr tree, which is grown in the temperate and desert areas. Since the Sidr tree is claimed to possess healing properties, it is one of the finest kinds of honey that has been known to cure any ailment since ancient times. Sidr honey holds an extremely high nutritional value. It has great anti-microbial and anti-viral properties that have been known to cure liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory disorders, and a plethora of other health issues. Sidr honey has a peculiar flavor with a rich and smooth consistency. It has the mild notes of Butterscotch and Caramel, making it extremely delicious. The Judhur Naturals honey is 100% raw and unfiltered, retaining all its nutrients and minerals. It is the purest form of honey that is extracted directly from the honeycombs of the hive, enriched with enzymes and antioxidants. Ingredients: Pure Sidr Honey only
Judhur Naturals Jamun Honey -The Jamun Honey is Uni-flora honey which means, it contains the nectar of the Jamun flower. -It is a dark and slightly bitter variant of honey that is extraordinarily rich in minerals and vitamins. -Jamun honey is completely organic and hygienic since there is no human intervention involved. -It is immensely rich in vitamins and minerals and has been known to be beneficial for diabetic patients. -Additionally, Jamun Honey is loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids, and healing compounds which, when taken regularly, are valuable for keeping one healthy. -At Judhur Naturals, honey is 100% raw and unfiltered, retaining all its nutrients and minerals. It is the purest form of honey that is extracted directly from the honeycombs of the hive, enriched with enzymes and antioxidants, staying true to its most natural form. -Product Description: -Judhur Naturals Jamun Honey offers a multitude of health benefits