We supply various types of UPVC pipe fittings including welded fittings there are two kinds of welded and nonwelded socket welded and threaded fittings flange fittings
Ball valve straight pipe straight elbow forward Tee pipe clamp abnormal straight reducing elbow cross loose jointpipe cap copper inner wire straight copper inner wire Tee outer wire direct head loose joint direct head loose elbow
1 Fittings used for connecting pipes are flange loose joint pipe hoop clamp sleeve throat hoop etc
2 Fittings change the direction of the pipe elbow bend pipe
3 Fittings change the diameter of the pipe reducing diameter reducing pipe reducing elbow branch pipe reinforcing pipe
4 Fittings increase the pipe branch tee crossing
5 Fittings for pipe sealing gasket raw material belt thread flange blind plate pipe plug blind plate head welding plug
6 Fittings for pipe fixing clamp ring tow hook hanging ring bracket bracket pipe clamp etc
Upvc pipe fitting
These include injection moulded couplers, elbows, tees, end caps, male & female adaptor, reducers, etc. And are available from 20mm to 250mm sizes having pressure ratings 4, 6 & 10kgf/cm2 as per is: 7834-1987. Fabricated couplers and bends are also available from 63mm to 315mm sizes.
TMT Plus PVC Conduit Pipes come in four variants. The 4 variants are available in different diameters and colours. Made of the best PVC resin, these pipes are used to carry electric wires in residential and commercial places.
TMT Plusâ?? PVC Agri Pipes and Fittings provide leak proof and uninterrupted supply to your farms. These pipes are made after thorough research and tests on impact, bust pressure, flattening and dimensions in strict accordance with BIS Specifications.
UPVC Plumbing Pipes & Fittings
These are available from +÷(15mm) to 4÷(110mm) sizes, in schedules 40, 80 & 120 as per ASTM-D-1785. The fittings for above sizes of pipes include Couplers, Elbows, Tees, Unions, Adaptors, Reducers, etc. and are available in 16kg/cm2 pressure rating. The threading of pipes & fittings are as per IS:554/BS:21. These pipes and fittings are used as substitutes / replacement for G.I. Pipes & Fittings for applications in water supply lines in buildings, industries, etc.
White lead free upvc pipe and fittings lead free confirming to astm d -1784,2466 sch 40 fittings, astm d -2467 sch 80 manufactured in grade 1 pvc 1120 , sizes available from 15mm to 250mm nominal od
Upvc pipes are manufactured under astm d 1785, white colour, 6 and 3 mtr in length, sizes available from 15mm to 100mm, features uv lead free
Uv resistant
Fire resistant
Easy to install
Cost effective
Environmental impact.