Lentil Seeds Moisture Max 14% Admixtur Max 0.5% Impertfect rate Max 3% Place of origin Brazil Uniform in colour Golden Email us for more info.We will get back to you ASAP.
The offered lentils are a good source of iron, which is important for energy generation and metabolism which carries oxygen throughout the body. Despite the fact that lentils include all of these essential elements such as fiber,minerals, protein, and , they are still low in calories and fat. The offered lentils are rich in protein and low in fat which make it an effective healthy diet. They are also high in dietary fiber.
Red Split Lentils Shelf life: 24 months Specification: Moisture 14% Impurity â?¤0.5% Imperfect â?¤2% Size 3.0-5.0mm Purity : 99.5% by weight. Insects & pesticides free Current Year crop Name Lentil Size 3.0-4.0mm Color Green, Light Yellow, Red, Black, Brown Type peeled or with skin or split Moisture 14% max Admixture 1% max Impurity 0.5%-2% Clean Machine Clean
Split Red Lentils (Also known as: Lentille, Masoor, Mercimek) : Split red lentils are made from splitting the whole red lentil. The skin is removed and the remaining reddish-orange seed is then split into two halves. A product of Canada, and among the best in the world known for quality. Parameter Requirements Comments/ Variation Physical Characteristics Good colour lentils: Split lentils having a clean and bright appearance. The lentils shall be milled from hard and well-filled whole red lentil seed. Purity 99.75% min. by weight Split lentils, whole Lentils and caps. Moisture 14% max - Foreign Material 0.25% max by weight Unmilliable material (i.e. includes soil, stones, metals and non-vegetable matter) and all vegetable matter other than Lentil seed material including detached seed coats. Poor colour 0.25% max by weight Kernel that is distinctly off colour from the characteristic colour of the predominating class. Includes lentils that are brown, black, green and / or yellow. Chalky white disease 0.25% max by weight Caps 0.25% max by weight Caps are those seed coats adhering to split or broken see measured as a combined weight. Dehulled whole lentils 5% max by weight Broken and /or kibble lentils 5% max by weight Lentil seed material that passes through a round hole screen. Northfield = 2.87mm; all other varieties = 3mm Screen size Northfield = 2.78mm round hole Lentil material broken or kibble if falls through. All other varieties 3 mm round hole Field insects Nil tolerance Dead per 200 g sample Foreign seeds 2 cereal seeds max. Cereal seeds exception only.
Whole Red Lentils : Whole Red Lentils are 1/2 cm wide with a mild, earthy flavor and soft texture. These lentils are crimson, which is a deep orange-red color. Whole Red Lentils have traditionally been used as a meat substitute. Parameter Requirements Comments/ Variation Physical Characteristics The Lentils shall be hard and well filled Purity 99% min. by weight Whole Lentils, defective Lentils and seed coats Moisture 14% max - Defective Seeds Container: 3% max by weight Lentils not of the specified variety. Lentil kernels that are broken, heat damaged, hail damaged, insect damaged, frosted, shrivelled, split, chipped, sprouted, affected by mould (field or storage). Includes pods that contain Lentils, whether broken or unbroken and loose seed coat. Bulk ship: 5% max by weight Varietal Restriction 1% max by weight Lentils not of the specified variety. Poor color 1% max by weight Discoloured Lentils have excessive discolouration of the seed coat as per the Pulse Australia Lentil Photographic Charts. Includes disease, frost and water staining. Screen size Aldinga 2.2mm slotted hole If whole lentils fall through then classed defective. All material that passes through screen is part of defective or foreign material as applicable. All other varieties 2 mm slotted hole Foreign Material 1% max by weight Unmilliable material and all vegetable matter other than Lentil seed material. Unmillable Material 0.1% max by weight Soil, stones, metals and non-vegetable matter. Field insects One (1) max. Dead per 200 g sample