Iron ore is the main source of primary iron required for the global iron and steel industries. It is essential to produce steel, which helps to create and maintain a strong industrial base. fe 62 and other percentages.
Iron ore mining methods vary by the type of ore being mined. There are four main types of iron ore deposits worked currently, depending on the mineralogy and geology of the ore deposits. These are magnetite, titanomagnetite, massive hematite and pisolitic ironstone deposits. Origin :- Mexico , Brazil, South Africa.
Iron ore with Fe2O3 content 70%. Fe2O3 - 70,03%, SiO2 - 22,08%, Al2O3 - 3,25%, P - 0,099%, FeO - 1,10%, CaO - 0,29%, MgO - 0,47%, TiO2 - 0,101%, MnO - 0,034%, S - 0,03%, Humidity - up to 5,00%. Iron ore with Fe2O3 content 60%. Fe2O3 - 60,29%, SiO2 - 35,54%, Al2O3 - 1,03%, P - 0,042%, FeO - 1,09%, CaO - 0,17%, MgO - 0,34%, TiO2 - 0,036%, MnO - 0,051%, S - 0,081%, Humidity - up to 5,00%