Jackfruit spread through the rest of India and on to South-east Asia. The tree is large and the fruit itself grows not at the tip of limbs but rather out of the trunk. The jackfruit is the largest tree-born fruit in the world. A single pod can reach a length of nearly a meter and weigh close to 40 kilograms.
The Jackfruit bulbs can be eaten fresh, frozen, cooked or pureed. Younger Jackfruit is added to curries and can be roasted or baked and eaten as a vegetable. It is often shredded and used as a meat substitute. Riper Jackfruit bulbs are added to salads. Make jam or ice cream from pureed bulbs. Boiling Jackfruit bulbs in milk and then straining off the liquid will result in a custard-like consistency once it has cooled. Jackfruit can be dried and then fried in oil, salted and eaten like potato chips. Jackfruit seeds can be roasted and eaten like chestnuts or dried and ground into flour. Jackfruit does not keep well once it is ripe. Unused portions of prepared fruit can be refrigerated for a few days or frozen for a few weeks.
Jackfruit is very nutrient-dense. It is a great source of fiber, protein and vitamin B. It also contains potassium, iron and calcium. The deep yellow-orange color of the Jackfruit bulbs is the result of phytonutrients like beta-carotene, giving the fruit powerful antioxidant properties.
Jackfruits can be produced nearly all year round.