One of the finest Manuka honey found in New Zealand, independently certified both UMF and MGO, produced and tested to higher more stringent quality and purity standards. Our Manuka Honey offers a superior customer experience and greater satisfaction knowing that you have purchased the very best in Manuka honey, which is harvested, tested, certified and packed at one source in New Zealand. Available UMF grades: UMF5+, 8+, 10+, 12+, 15+, 18+, 20+, 22+, 25+, 28+, and UMF30+. Jar size: 120g, 250g, 340g, 500g. Certification: SQF Level 2, UMF, MGO, Non-GMO, Glyphosate residue free, Kosher, Halal. Produced in accordance with HACCP principles.