Our Green Tea undergoes a specialized production process to ensure the tea is rich in catechins and antioxidant. It is made from un-fermented leaves believed to contain the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. here is a list of its benefits 1. Reduces weight loss 2. Reduce risk of heart diseases 3. Reduces risk of diabetes 4. Reduces risk of aesophangeal cancer 5. Balances choresterol levels 6. Reduces risk of Alzheimers and Parkinsons 7. Reduces risk of Tooth Decay 8. Reduces risk of blood pressure 9. Reduces risk of depression 10. Reduces the rate of infection by Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial 11. Has anti-aging effect on your face Our Green tea is clean, has subtle aroma and a beautiful green color. And it comes it tea bags or loose tea