History One of the Indonesian coffee that is being sought by many coffee lovers today is South Solok (Solok Selatan) Arabica Coffee. Coffee originating from the area of West Sumatra has now begun to be taken into account because of its quality that is not inferior to other previously famous regions such as Mandailing Coffee. The Solok Selatan area is a fertile area, the plateau in Solok Regency is the right land to grow coffee. Many Solok coffee farmers have started to produce high-quality coffee that can be accepted by the wider community. South Solok Coffee is also commonly referred to as Solok Minang Coffee. This coffee is planted in the area between Gunung Talang (Talang Mountain) and Danau Kembar (Twin Lake). Solok Selatan Coffee is coffee from the Arabica type. Advantages Solok Selatan Coffee has the advantages of its strong aroma. The aroma that most feels is the spicy aroma or spice. In addition, the character of the Citrus (lemon) flavor and the chocolate note also make this Solok Selatan coffee taste so delicious when you drink it. Solok Selatan coffee is produced in an organic way. They use natural fertilizers, without any pesticides. This makes an added value for South Solok coffee. In addition, the nutrient content in the mountains in Solok is quite high, so coffee trees can flourish. Solok Selatan coffee is planted at an altitude of 1400 above sea level, so it has good quality and is not inferior to its siblings such as Mandailing Coffee. Grade Master Specialty Grade Coffee Roast Level Medium to Dark Aroma Spicy, Fruity Acidity High Body Medium Flavour Chocolaty, Caramel, Citrus.