Hollow Glass Microspheres High-performance hollow glass microspheres, the true density 0.25 ~ 0.60g/cm3, the particle size between 2 ~ 125 M, the compressive strength at 5 ~ 82MPa (725 ~ 12000PSI), the thermal conductivity of 0.05340-0.100040W / m. K. Products are light weight, bulky, low thermal conductivity, high compressive strength and good liquidity characteristics. Application areas: Building materials in the field using its thermal insulation effect, mainly for reflective insulation coating, putty, adhesives, etc.; Composite materials primarily low density and ease of use of its processing characteristics, as to reduce the material, reducing its weight components to improve component quality; Aerospace navigation using its light weight, high compressive strength characteristics of the production of lightweight components; Oil and gas exploration in the field of drilling fluid used as a low-density and low-density cement slurry.