RBD Palmolein is refined, bleached and deodorized form of palm oil which is extracted after crushing palm fruit. It is used in many countries as edible cooking oil. RBD Palm Olein is the liquid fraction obtained by the fractionation of palm oil after crystallization at controlled temperatures. It is used as an important raw material in the manufacture of soaps, washing powder and other hygiene and personal care products. Palm oil is obtained from fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm cultivated in plantations. There are several commercial variants of palm oil available viz., Crude Palm oil, Crude Palmolein, RBD (Refined Bleached Deodorized) Palm oil, RBD Palmolein and Palm Kernel Oil. RBD Palmolein is used as cooking oil as well as frying oil for food industries such as snack food and ready-to-eat food. It is also used as a raw material for margarine and shortening. It is used in soap, candles and oleo chemical industries. Global Scenario Palmoil production and trade is widely spread across the world. However, its production, consumption and trade are dominated by a few nations. Palm oil dominates the global vegetable oil export trade. The world Palmoil production in 2011-12 is 50.68 million tons as against 47.95 million tons in 2010-11. The world's two largest Palmoil producing countries are Indonesia and Malaysia which together account for nearly 87% of the world production. Other major producers include Columbia, Thailand and Nigeria. Indonesia has nearly expanded its output in the past decade making it the largest producer of palm oil in the world, accounting for 51% of total world output. Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest exporter of Palm Oil & itâ??s by products, accounting for the entire global trade in Palm Oil, which is estimated to be 38.78 million tons in 2011-12. Malaysia and Indonesia with 17.95 and 16.7 million tons respectively are major exporters. While India is the largest importer of Palm Oil followed by China & EU.