The savings can be almost 30% which can be increased even more by using MagicBond for joining block. In place of cement plaster, should be used. As MagicPlast requires curing time of just 2 hours compared to a week of cement, the water consumption and turnaround time is considerably reduced. Inner structures of AAC blocks have the same insulation and strength as clay bricks increasing the overall carpet area of the structure. Light Weight: Presence of uniform air pockets in AAC blocks results in significantly less weight compared to the clay bricks. High Strength:AAC blocks have the compressive strength in the range of 3.5-4N/m2 compared to clay bricks that have just 2.5-3N/m2. The blocks can be efficiently used as a building material for hospitals, schools, high-rises and other structures Earthquake and Fire Resistant:AAC blocks produced by us and can be very effective against fire and meet stringent requirements regarding fire safety. It can withstand fire up to 1200°C. The material is designed to withstand fire up to 1200°C.