KTT could provide the complete set of nitric acid engineering services covers every stage. We take the latest technique to produce the nitric acid by the dual pressurization process. There are many process technologies producing nitric acid, mainly including ambient pressure process, comprehensive process, full medium pressure process, high pressure process and dual pressurization process, most of them have been basically eliminated due to low utilization of total ammonia, serious environmental pollution, irrational energy utilization, etc. The dual pressurization process means 0.45Mpa oxidation and 1.1Mpa absorption. The oxidation rate is 96.6%, and the absorption rate is 99.8%, although the lump-sum investment of the unit is relatively high, but such advantages as low ammonia consumption, low platinum consumption, lower level pollution, rational energy utilization, etc are obvious. In China market, the price of platinum is 380 RMB/g, as per 60,000 ton/year of pure acid production, 1,368 million RMB of platinum will be spent by double pressurized method, 2.736 million RMB for medium pressure method, and 6.84 million for high pressure method.