Black Galaxy is a popular Indian Granite. This granite is beautiful and dark. It is a very dense granite with tiny pores and does not absorb anything. This is also very hard granite and it is quite possible the most bulletproof surface available in the market. There is rarely any issue regarding etching or stains. Overall this is one of the best granite available for any Counter tops. Black Galaxy granite is undoubtedly one of the world's most popular and successful granite and has been exported to every continent. It is a fine to medium-grained, black gabbro with golden-yellow sparkling broncite scales. Internationally this stone may be nominated as a granite and for the US and Chinese markets this is correct however in Europe the stone must be nominated as a gabbro because the European Standard EN 12440 (Natural Stone, Denomination Criteria) demands a scientific terminology determined with a petrografic examination according to EN 12407 and 4.2 of prEN 12670.