Robots and robotic arms are machines that automatically perform work. Robots can replace or assist humans in all kinds of work. Any boring, dangerous, toxic, and harmful work can be shown by robots. With the development needs, robots and robotic arms are widely used in manufacturing and automation. Robots are indispensable automation equipment in the field of advanced manufacturing technology. The robot slip ring provides power and signals for the complex movement of robots and robotic arms, improves mechanical performance, simplifies system operation, and prevents sprains in the wire during rotation. Victory-way Electronic(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. can design and produce various robots and mechanical arm slip rings according to your requirements. The robot arm slip ring transmits various current, control and sensor signals. Robot slip ring, mechanical arm slip ring features: 1 Long life, high protection, slip ring maintenance free; 2 Compact structure & appearance, light weight, easy to install; 3 Smooth operation, low torque, very low electrical noise, low resistance, no friction; 4 Multi-contact, multi-channel, multi-signal transmission; 5 High speed, high voltage, high protection level, high speed data transmission, high precision. Typical applications: industrial robots, robotic arms, underwater robots, etc. Electronic robots and mechanical arm conductive slip rings of Victory-way Electronic(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. have long service life and low price. According to years of experience in designing and producing slip rings, power, control signals and high-frequency data can be combined in one device to simplify the structure and solve the problem of wire winding. .