In order to acquire high quality of RBD Palm Olein, there is the process of physical refining that removes smells and collaboration to produce Refined Bleached Deodorized PalmOil, or RBDPO and free sheer fatty acids, which are used as important raw material in the manufacture of soaps, washing powder and other hygiene and personal care products. RBDPO is the basic oil product sold in the worldâ??s commodity markets, although many companies fractionate it further into palm olein for use as cooking oil or other products. Splitting of oils and fats by hydrolysis or under basic conditions, saponification yields fatty acids, with glycerine (glycerol) as a by-product. The split of fatty acids is mixture ranging from RBD C4 to C18, depending on the type of oil/fat. Therefore, PGN only serves the best quality of palm oil that fulfils worldâ??s needs as RBD CP6 and CP10. P r o d u c t S pec i f i c a t i o n - R B D P A L M O L E IN FREE FATTY ACID Melting POINT (0C) 0.1 Max (As Palmitic) 24 Degree Celsius MOISTURE & IMPURITIES CLOUD POINTS (OC) 0.1 Max CP 8 - 10 IODINE VALUE (Wijis) COLOUR (5-1/4") LOVIBOND CELL 56 - 60 Min 3R Max 30Y Max