Product Name: NRGEL-LAF Description: NRGEL-LAF is a low acyl clarity gellan gum for food applications. Ingredients declaration: Food grade gellan gum CAS:71010-52-1;E418 Application: Beverages Confectionery Jams and Jelly Desserts gels Diary products Aspic Films/coatings Typical Dosage: 0.025â??0.5% w/w General specifications Appearance Fine, free flowing, off-white to cream powder Moisture â?¤ 15% Solubility Soluble in hot water pH of solution (10 g/l) 4.5 to 7.5 Gel Strength â?¥800 (g/cm2,0.5 % powder solution + 0.045%CaCl2 @ 20 Deg C. TAXT2 analyzer with P/0.5 test probe) Clarity â?¥ 80 %,(0.5 % powder solution + 0.045%CaCl2 ,497nm ) Ash â?¤ 15% Powder Color â?¥ 72% Particle Size Distribution 250 microns At least 95.00% through 75 microns At least 75.00% through (Note: Particle size can be varied in accordance with the customers requirements) Chemical Purity: Arsenic Not greater than 2 ppm Lead Not greater than 2 ppm Mercury Not greater than 1 ppm Cadmium Not greater than 1 ppm Heavy metals (as Pb) Not greater than 20 ppm Microbiology Limits Total Bacterial Count Not greater than 10,000 cfu/g Total Yeast and Mould Count Not greater than 400 cfu/g E.Coliforms Not greater than 30 MPN/100g Salmonella Negative in 25g Regulatory Compliance This product conforms to international legislative standards. However, we recommend that the user ensures that this product is in compliance with the local regulations in force, particularly in the country where the product is to be consumed. Labeling NRGEL-LAF gellan gum Food Additive gellan gum CAS:71010-52-1;E418 Packaging Product is packed in 25Kg/ paper drum and inner material with polythene bag or according to customerâ??s specific request. Storage and Shelf Life Store away from heat and moisture, preferably at a temperature inferior to 25â??(77â??) and at about 65% relative humidity. This product, when stored in the previously mentioned conditions and in its original unopened, will maintain its initial properties for at least two years. Managements system Products are Kosher and Halal approved and manufactured in accordance with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point policies, Good Manufacturing Practice and ISO9001:2008 principles.