C4E Conductivity Sensor electrode technology: The sensor works with 4 electrodes: An alternating current of constant voltage is established between a primary pair of electrodes in graphite. The secondary electrodes in platinum regulate the voltage imposed to the primary electrodes to reflect the fouling. The voltage measured between the primary electrodes is the function of the resistance and therefore a measurement of the conductivity. C4E Conductivity Sensor Digital Technology : The smart digital C4E sensor stores calibration history data within the sensor. This allows a 'plug and play' system without re-calibration. C4E Conductivity Sensor Digitally optimised measurement technology * 4 electrode conductivity sensor (2 graphite & 2 platinum) * Smart sensor stores configuration settings and calibration history * Range 0-200 mS/cm * Digital sensor - Modbus RS-485 * Robust and watertight C4E Conductivity Sensor Applications * Industrial effluent treatment * Urban wastewater treatment * Surface water monitoring * Sea water * Drinking water C4E Conductivity Sensor Specification * Measured conductivity ranges: 0-200.0 uS/cmâ?? * Resolution: 0.01 to 1 according the range * Accuracy: +/- 1 % of the full range * Response time: < 5 s * Working temperature: 0'C to 50'Câ?? * Signal interface: Modbus RS-485 ( option SDI-12) * Maximum pressure: 5 barsâ?? * Protection: IP68 -