The features of fiber illuminator xenon light source 1. Working life of the bulb: 50h 2. Small and light 3. Switch power circuit design 4. Stable 5. Applicable with endoscope, microscope and ingeniously constructed testing Product Description This light source is small and light, stable, witch power circuit design, can be applicable with endoscope, micrscope and ingeniously constructed testing. The bulb can be used for 50hours. Technology data: Voltage: AC220V50Hz Input power:470VA bulb power: 250W FUSE:F5AL 250V*2 product size:30x29x12cm image plane illuminance: 5800000lx working life of bulb:50-200h Cable length:1.8 meters The quoation is including light guiding cable 1 piece and breast retractor 1 piece.