Our revolutionary concept in the design and development of high precision Actophotometer has greatly increased pace of research and development elements in pharmacology. Our expert panel of engineers design and develop our products to achieve high accuracy combined with superior quality. Our customers have increased their demand for our products. We provide the products at most competitive prices that are affordable. We follow all the safety checks recommended by the quality control organization. Actophotometer is infra red sensor based equipments to track activity of small laboratory animal as rat or mice, in a closed chamber, on bases of x- axis and y- axis, LEâ??s actophotometer having 8/16 sensors on x- axis and y- axis depends on model, in addition to 8/16 sensors no needed to give personal presence to observe activity of the laboratory animal, cause LE gives you PC connectivity software utility, by this user can retrieve data as time spend on x- axis and y- axis, print etc.