Briquette Technical info Shape: Cylindrical Diameter: 93mm Length: 250 mm 350 mm Percentage of ash (in dry basis): 1.15% Volatile percentage (with dry base): 85.44% Carbon percentage (with a dry basis): 13.41% Humidity percentage: between 8 and 12% Average energy potential: 4,198 kcal / kg Mixture percentage: The mixture will be sawdust from sawmills (70%) with wood shavings from wood processing (30%) of eucalypt species (70%) and pine (30%), as current production. Today get a small percentage of husks, without any addition of leaves or twigs.  Advantages:  1. Less volume / space; reminding that 1 ton of briquettes is equivalent to approximately from 5 to 6m³ of eucalyptus firewood in terms of calorific value. 2. Can be an excellent alternative to fuel boilers when on rainy days when the wood value is much more expensive; 3. It is more expensive than wood but the calorific value is much higher; 4. Contributes to the environment; 5. Sold in bags of 30kg or we can do in big bags of about 1 ton.