we sell honey from: -bulgaria:20t polyflore 3,5euro/kg and 10t linden 4euro/kg every month this quantity in 300kg barrels; 25kg bucket honey 5euro/kg(only this quantity) -india-200ton 4,5euro/kg now and every month one container of honey or more if needed;four types:eukalyptus(respiratory problems) 50t,rapeseed honey 50t,forest honey,himalaya honey 50t in 300kg barrels. that means that in january we have for sale:30t+25t+200t=255t and every month we have for sale:30t(from bulgaria)+20t(minimum from india)=50t/month. for a year,12months*50t/month=600tons available for you,price around 4euro/kg. good honey. waiting for your call, daniel,tel 0040214247703