Custom designed and engineered With the help of wedge wire screen welding machine, each screen can be designed to ensure complete satisfaction. . Longer lasting The production of wedge wire screen welding machine standards are very strict in the industry. Featuring the vee-wire technology, the screens are extremely durable and have high resistance to abrasion, corrosion and impact damage. Lower maintenance The rugged construction and high quality of the materials produce a product that lasts longer and requires less maintenance. Less costly Superior operating efficiency, reduced maintenance needs and extended service life combine to decrease the cost of wedge wire screen welding machines. Many construction options Wedge wire screen surfaces can be used: for direct screening as filter media support Screens are available in a variety of shapes to suit customer needs: cylinders flat or curved panels cones any form specific to a given application The flexibility of the process allows the manufacture of custom made screens for all types of applications: new plant, expansions or upgrades.