Doaho Sand & Dust Test Chambers are Designed to test a productâ??s resistance to extremely dusty, desert-like environments, the cabinet meets automotive and other test specifications. Powerful blowers intermittently blow compressed air up through finely powdered sand and dust and then allow the sand and dust to settle back down covering the product. ï�¬ 80% of best test chambers in terms of quality, and 60% of its price ï�¬ Same parameters with the best test chambers ï�¬ 1 years of warranty ï�¬ Specimen protection against condensation and over-temperature ï�¬ 2 standard entry ports (Ã?50 mm) ï�¬ 1 shelves ï�¬ Fault diagnosis system for maintenance and repair ï�¬ Observation window in door incl. test space lighting ï�¬ Networking capabilities via RS 232 or TCP/IP ï�¬ Powder-coated housing and stainless steel inner test space