Mini tart shells: â?¢ ready to use baked tarts, waiting to be filled with Eurocas Rhapsody creams, Eurocas fruit fillings, Dark Creole Chocolate, Vanilla Dream or Eurocas pastry fillings (hazelnut, walnut or poppy seeds); fresh fruits or chocolate decorations, can complete the final tart design â?¢ mini tart shells are easy and very fast to be used and transformed in high added value pastry, confectionery and Horeca products â?¢ the mini tart shells are available in three sizes: - round 45 mm - oval 65 mm - round 80 mm â?¢ each size is available in three dough types: - sweet dough - cocoa sweet dough - salted dough â?¢ low individual cost and high financial results for your business.