Best useful in anemia. It pacifies kapha (kaphaghna). It is used to reduce swelling and inflammation (shothhara). Warm leaves of Agnimantha are used to relieve severe pain. Agnimantha is useful for low digestive fire (agnimandya) and improves digestive fire (deepana). It is used to expel out extra waste from body (anulomana). It is used to treat diabetes (premhaghna). Decoction of roots has anti-diabetic properties. It is used to treat haemorroids (arsha), cough (kasa) and asthma (swasa). It is also useful in urinary tract infection. It is used to boost immune system and purify blood (rakta shodhaka). It is also known for its analgesic properties and anti-pyretic properties (jawarghna). It is analgesic (vedanasthapana). Decoction of root is used in painful micturition. Pulp of roots are given orally to treat urticaria and other skin disorders.