Corrugated cladding, roofing tile, roofing sheet KRS Corrugated Cladding With the timeless appeal of a corrugated profile, KRS cladding is a strong and versatile roofing, walling and fencing material. It complements both contemporary and traditional architecture. Cladding With Enduring Style Clad your roofing and walling project with the one profile that is always in fashion KRS Corrugated has the advantage of high strength, adaptability and easy handling and installation. It is a practical and versatile cladding solution for roofing, walling and fencing applications. KRS Corrugated is made from high tensile fiber board and bitumen for strength and impact resistance. It is available in long lengths for added life and enhanced appearance. It has a non-syphoning side lap which reduces the risk of moisture transfer between sheets due to capillary action, thus reducing the risk of roof leakage.