Name: Integral Steam Turbine Water Lubricated Pump(Energy Recovery-Turbine Pumps ) DESCRIPTION: The Pump is a single wheel steam turbine, two-stage pump, where both the turbine and impellers are mounted on a rigid shaft, supported by a central bearing assembly integral within a monobloc turbine/pump casing. This compact proven design will withstand water slugs in the steam line. It requires no external services or electrical supplies to operate and is one fifth the size of a conventional pump and turbine unit. The range is designed to ASME III Class 2 or 3 requirements. OPERATING LIMITS: Capacity up to 1550 m³ /h Head up to 4265m Discharge flange size 6 to 16 in Speeds 7500rpm Temperature up to 250°C APPLICATIONS: Auxiliary feedwater Reactor core isolation cooling Boiler feed Marine feed Safety related applications