The New White Mastic Description "The new White Mastic is a white thick syrupy substance.Its main components are epoxy resin, organic solvent, plasticizers, flame retardants, film forming agent and fillers. It is mainly used as damp barrier for coldinsulation layer and roof buildings. It has all the advantages of asphalt based mastic ,besides it has better formability and wider working temperature range." Material Preparation "DO NOT THIN. Do not use sticks or boards,which would splinter or otherwise contaminate the product.Apply only to clean, dry, oil-free surfaces.Keep container closed when not in use. The new White Mastic cannot apply by spray." Application Outdoor and Heavy Duty Service-Apply a tack coat of The new White Mastic at a thickness of 1.6mm. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at least 5cm.Apply a finish coat of The new White Mastic at a minimum thickness of 3.2mm.This finish coat shall apply no later than 1 hour after the tack coat and shall completely cover membrane.This application shall zpro vide a mi nimum dry film thickness of 3.0mm. Specification and package 50 kg or 100kg /barrel Storage Store and apply between 4(40) and 38 (100).